Vitamin B6 Eating Too Much? Toxic.. Nerve inflammation

Tingling, burning, or numbness of the hands or toes?!! If you feel.. you.. may be sick with disease. nerve inflammation Dr. Chulalongkorn University Raise foreign research warning!! May be from the toxicity of vitamin B 6, which is both lacking. or get too much without knowing it, for example, received from supplements, mineral water, various types of drinks, or received from snacks and may confuse the symptoms That can come from other causes??

by Prof. Dr. Teerawat Hemajutha Head of Emerging Diseases Health Science Center Faculty of Medicine Chulalongkorn University Has posted information via Facebook Thiravat Hemachudha Thiravat Hemachudha talks about the dangers of too much vitamin B6, nerve inflammation on March 7, 2023 stating that

general practitioner, especially a neurosurgeon And the nervous system began to suspect, observe and keep an eye on the abnormal condition of the nerves. inexplicable However, due to the absence of chronic congenital disease It’s not emaciated, lacking food, or having liver disease, but instead having nerve symptoms. In the form of numbness, burning on the toes and hands until there is pain in the bones. to muscle weakness, and in some cases, muscle spasms Abnormal balance, staggering and, until reported, frequent urination day and night, and finally urinary incontinence. (The size used is 10 mg per day for 3 years) and when you stop using it. symptoms improved respectively for no other reason

and there is a report neurological journal and the Poison Center More and more, that is, effects or side effects. Occurring from supplementing with vitamin B complex, with a high dose of B6, which the prescribing doctor or the person who eats may be unaware. because it is a mixture contained in vitamins, minerals commonly sold and eating many brands mixed together without having warning of side effects that might happen Because in the early stages The information is still unclear. It should be in what size it is considered a water-soluble vitamin. and can be excreted

The dose of a multivitamin with B6 is to be used in higher doses of 10 to 25 mg daily as a therapeutic dose. When necessary, for example when taking isoniazid for tuberculosis, as well as when taking isoniazid side effects until seizures occur, and in pregnant women with severe vomiting (hyperemesis gravidarum) and in patients with nutritional disorders This causes a decrease in vitamin levels and neurological symptoms as well.

In addition to isoniazid, there are other drugs. eg cycloserine penicillamine Parkinson’s disease drug levodopa that lowers levels of vitamin B6 and B6 is also used to treat Magnesium deficiency

For other reasons, vitamin B6 supplementation is a must. because in the elderly Especially with congenital disease People are often deficient in B6 nutrients, with B6 found in meat, liver, fish, beans and lentils. reduced by 10 to 50%.

symptoms of deficiency It’s the same as having too much vitamin B6 that can cause confusion. What exactly did it come from? which may require Punching down on vitamin levels in the blood together with along with other causes such as neurological symptoms Especially with that numbness and burning sensation. Caused by diabetes, underactive thyroid gland, HIV infection infection with certain bacteria until syphilis Immune disease disease that has been created Bone marrow protein abnormalities (monoclonal gammopathy), lymphoma, and drug toxicity, including chemotherapy. used to treat cancer, heavy metal poisoning, chemical insecticides organophosphorus

+ The usual dosage of vitamin B6 The body needs per day is 0.5 to 1 milligrams.

+ in children and in adolescents and adults at a size of 1.3 milligrams

+ in men over 50 years old size 1.7 milligrams but in women over the age of 50 at a size of 0.5 milligrams

+ general, so as not to be complicated For adults, women or men The overall dosage is 1.9 milligrams per day.

+ For people who are really elderly volume can be higher but should not exceed 10 mg per day

The mechanism of vitamin B6 toxicity is also dose dependent. and duration of eating It is possible that with enzyme inhibition pyridoxal-5-phosphate dependent enzymes in many countries such as Australia. The use of vitamin B complex and B6 has been closely monitored. The dose of vitamin B6 in all products has been reduced from 200 mg daily to no more than 100 mg daily in adults. and reduced size in children

Until August 5, 2022 For example, of the 32 reported cases, 22 were confirmed with elevated blood levels. with symptoms of Nerve inflammation and 21 patients used vitamin B6 at a daily dose of 50 mg or less. Each of which contains vitamin B6 as well.

and with such side effects All products containing doses of B6 above 10 mg daily must be labeled clearly warning of the dangers. that may occur from nerve inflammation As announced on October 4, 2022 (Australian Government. Department of Health and Aged Care / Therapeutic Goods Administration).

for in the US Vitamin B6 supplementation, especially in the elderly Will be in a dose not exceeding 50 to 100 milligrams per week. (American Journal of Therapeutics Nov/Dec 2022)

At this point, don’t be afraid. too many vitamins This is because these vitamins is necessary for the body to grow and repair worn parts and in food that eat every day by having to eat a healthy diet But in elderly people, pregnant women or in abnormal conditions or using certain drugs together Vitamin supplements may be needed. but must see the right size and must not reach Added too much even though there was no need at all.

“For B6, no more than 10 mg per day is enough.”

In addition, the Backbone MCOT has good health information from articles on the Drug Information Archive website, Faculty of Pharmacy, Mahidol University. Has published a story about vitamin B 6 that has been in excess. Will cause disease of the peripheral nerves (peripheral neuropathy), which the Backbone MCOT asks for permission to excerpt some parts Let’s introduce as follows.

Vitamin B6 is a water-soluble vitamin. It is necessary for the body at all ages. In nature, it is found in the form pyridoxine (or pyridoxol as an alcohol), pyridoxamine (as an amine) and pyridoxal (as an aldehyde). In medicine, it is mainly used as pyridoxine hydrochloride. for the treatment of peripheral neuropathy due to isoniazid and vitamin B6 deficiency

this type of vitamin also found in the product type of food supplement Type of multivitamin and mineral supplements (multivitamin and mineral supplements), which are available in many products. Therefore, there is a risk of receiving a double dose of vitamin B6.

getting over may harm peripheral nerves cause a feeling of tingling (tingling), burning (burning) or numbness (numbness), usually on the hands or feet, or may harm the Other peripheral nerves, such as the bladder cause problems in excretion if diagnosed late And continue to consume too much vitamin B6 may cause peripheral nerves. more damaged in informational documents Vitamin B6 products with an oral dosage of 50 milligrams per day or more will have a warning against high doses. for a long time that can cause disease peripheral nerves but without this warning in supplementary products

article: 6 types of vitamin B to supplement… might get too much to disease of the peripheral nerves (peripheral neuropathy).
(read more) From the website of the Drug Information Repository (by Information Technology Division) Faculty of Pharmacy, Mahidol University)

References and thanks to information from:

Facebook: Thiravat Hemachudha

Article illustration: Wikipedia website.

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