Vitamin D proved useless against COVID-19

Vitamin D supplementation during the COVID-19 pandemic has proven to be useless as a method of preventing respiratory infection or SARS-CoV-2.

This conclusion was made by scientists at Queen Mary University of London and other scientific organizations in the UK, who published the results of a clinical study in the British Medical Journal.

The randomized controlled trial involved 6,200 people over the age of 16 who did not initially take vitamin D supplements.

During the study, which lasted six months, one group of volunteers with initially low levels of vitamin D in the blood took 800 international units (IU) of vitamin D daily, the second group – 3200 IU. The rest took a placebo. The subjects were given a blood test to check the level of calcifediol, a form of vitamin D produced in the liver.

To strengthen the immune system, you need to eat right and choose foods rich in vitamins, antioxidants and healthy fats. What food will help support the body’s defenses and prevent coronavirus? Find out in the gallery:

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