VP-Mahrer: Border controls are the answer to illegal migration, asylum abuse and organized crime

2023-04-30 07:18:06

Clear line in the federal government, instead of the failed welcome policy of the SPÖ-neos city government

Vienna (OTS) Due to the massive increase in illegal border crossings in Eastern and Southern Europe, there is a serious threat and therefore border controls in Austria should be extended. With the measures taken so far, over 100 people smugglers had already been arrested by mid-April 2023.

“It’s regarding curbing asylum abuse and counteracting trafficking crime accordingly. We can only solve these new challenges with stable European external border protection. Federal Minister Gerhard Karner’s consistent line makes Europe, Austria and Vienna safer,” said City Councilor Karl Mahrer, chairman of the Viennese People’s Party.

Questions & contact:

The Vienna People’s Party
Mag. Peter Sverak
Lead – Strategic Communication
+43 664 859 5710

#VPMahrer #Border #controls #answer #illegal #migration #asylum #abuse #organized #crime

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