VS Code Pets, keep a healing pet while writing programs

The problem to be solved in this article

When you see “pets”, you know that the problem to be solved in this article is the empty heart of our human beings (huh?).

Just kidding XD, I saw the words “code” and “pet” when I was scrolling the news a while ago, but I didn’t click to read them at the time, I just had an impression.

After the dreamy 10-day annual vacation, the first article didn’t want to be too stressful, but wanted something relaxing, so I searched for “Pet” on VS Code, and the one that ranked first was the one I’m going to introduce today.VS Code Pets」。

Install over 300,000 vscode-pets

After using it for a while, I found it quite interesting. After starting work, I kept letting a few kittens run around on VS Code, and wanted to share it with everyone, so I compiled this usage note.

Install vscode-pets

Siege lions who often use VS Code for development do not need to read this section, because it is very simple to install extension modules, but just to make up some words for this article, I still write it (is it so direct?).

On VS Code, click “Extended Modules” in the left menu:

Then enter “pet” in the search box, and the first one you see will be installed by the most people. After pressing “Install”, it will be installed successfully in a few seconds.

If the installation is successful, you will see the button with the word “Install” originally written, which will be changed to Disable and Uninstall.

Let’s let the pets go

After installing vscode-pets, click on the top “File Explorer” in the left menu of VS Code, and you will see a new “VS CODE PETS” at the bottom of the file list, and there will be a black and white cat running there by default run to:

File Explorer will add VS CODE PETS

To the right of the block title “VS CODE PETS” there are three buttons:

  • +: add a new pet
  • o: Throw a ball to the pet to bite
  • Trash: delete a pet

When adding a pet, you will first choose what type of pet to add. There are currently 10 types to choose from:

Because August is a cat pie, I use cat to demonstrate (I am a cat pie and I am proud).

After choosing a pet, there are several types of pets that can choose colors, such as cats can choose:

After choosing the color, you will need to name the pet in the end. The purpose is that when you want to delete it later, you will use the pet name to choose. Don’t worry if you are a patient with name-taking disorder syndrome, a name will be randomly provided by default:

Name your pet, or just use a random name

After choosing the name, you will see a cute pet in the window~

In the above screenshot, the pet has a heart ❤ icon, which means that their pets know each other.

Move the mouse over the pet, and there will be an icon of waving ????, which means greeting the minion (don’t doubt it’s you):

Look at the function with the command

Don’t be fooled by the word “command” in the title, it’s actually what we press when we want to use the extended function:

  • MacOS:Cmd(⌘) + Shift + P
  • Windows / Linux:Ctrl + Shift + P

After pressing down, you can enter keywords to see more functions of the extended function, we enter:

pet coding

You will see that the following functions are available in total:

There are more functions with commands

Roll-call is very fun, that is, all pets will report their presence:

Changing scenes with extended settings

If you feel that pets are too small to comfort our young minds who are being bullied by manufacturers, you can change them through extended settings.

On the left menu of VS Code, select the extended function, and enter pet in the input box, then click the small gear icon in the lower right corner of vscode-pets, and click “Extended Settings”:

Go to the extended settings of vsocde-pets

After clicking, you can see the settings of vscode-pets:

Pet size can change the pet size.

Theme can change the background. Currently, there are four options: none, forest, castle, and beach. After choosing, you will see pets running in different places:

The official documentation has been provided, if you want to know more, you can click here document come and see.

Finally, I have to say, look at the loneliness in the siege lion’s heart, even if he knows it’s a fake dog or a cat, he still feels happy and comforted????.

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