Vulgar “nationalism” recital by Rama in Galatsi 2024-05-13 19:42:33

One has to wonder about the purpose of Edi Rama’s visit to Greece, with the Albanian prime minister giving a recital of nationalism as he did not hesitate without shame to mention that Laskarina Bouboulina was Albanian.

The Albanian prime minister in an incredible amok did not hesitate to falsify history and write it as he pleased… proving that he is extremely dangerous.

He characteristically mentioned that “Bubulina grew up in a family that spoke Albanian”! And all this in Greece… In Greece that gave him the space to do… his own thing!

According to information, Era Rusi and trapper Noizy will sing at Eddy Rama’s fiesta.

Incidents occurred in Galatsi on the sidelines of today’s speech by Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama.

Supporters of Sali Berisha who had gathered outside the closed Galatsi came face to face with supporters of Edi Rama.

According to MEGA, the sister of Constantinos Katsifa was also present at the scene in order to express her own protest.

With “national pride” shirts, the crowd – Hundreds of Albanian flags in Galatsi

Some of Edi Rama’s supporters arrived at the Galatsi stadium wearing T-shirts with messages with references to “national pride”.

Specifically, as can be seen in the photo, some of the gathered have come with T-shirts that write in the Albanian language: #ProudForAlbania Welcome! #OnlyForward

With Zorba, the good morning of the Albanian prime minister

Then, in a new post, the Albanian Prime Minister declared his pride for the Albanians of Greece and talked about the first travel stop in the Albanian communities of Europe.

North Macedonia: New president Gordana Silianovska said it and did it – She called Skopje, “Macedonia” during her inauguration

Edi Rama: Answered Beleris – “I came to meet my people and not to provoke” – Crowd in Galatsi [βίντεο]

“Beware Greeks, Rama will challenge you” – Beleris’ message for the Albanian Prime Minister’s “fiesta”

#Vulgar #nationalism #recital #Rama #Galatsi

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