Walking 11 minutes “in a silly way” could make you live longer

Walking in a “stupid way” for 11 minutes a day would have beneficial effects for the body, according to a new scientific study.

Ridicule does not kill, quite the contrary. This is in a way the conclusion of a recent study published in the British Medical Journal and relayed by the Sun. According to her, walking in a “stupid way” on a daily basis would have beneficial effects for the body. Concretely, exaggerated strides like those in the famous Monty Python sketch (video below, if you don’t have the reference) would make us burn more calories, improve physical fitness and reduce the risk of dying young.

To reach this conclusion, the researchers recruited 13 healthy adults, aged 22 to 71, with no history of heart or lung disease and no known gait disorder. They engaged in three types of walking, but only one resulted in significantly higher energy expenditure than usual walking. Named “Teabag”, it consists of moving forward with slightly bent legs, interspersed with high kicks and backward jumps.

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“A Powerful Way to Improve Fitness”

“The skit may have unwittingly touched on a powerful way to improve fitness,” explained the author of the study, Professor Glenn Gaesser, of the University of Arizona in the United States, while specifying that one should indulge in this activity for 11 minutes a day to reduce the risk of 10% death.

Despite multiple widespread campaigns to improve physical fitness and encourage people to move more, global rates of inactivity have not changed over the past 20 years. As the government points out in its site Internetyou should try to gradually achieve at least 30 minutes of physical activity per day of moderate to high intensity.

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