War on “independent press” in Russia | Around the world DAILY

The war in Ukraine is approaching eight full months. The damage incurred thereafter cannot be appraised. because they have to pay with the lives, property or mental state of the people that is not related to war, however, over the past 8 months The victims of this war were not the only victims outside of a country like Ukraine. But also domestic victims such as “independent media” who have been targeted in the Russian government harassment. What do independent Russian media face amid the ongoing war in Ukraine? #Russia Ukraine #Russia #Ukraine #PPTVHD36 #around the worlddaily #channel 36 #international news #Today’s news you need to know #Please Bua Khamsri #PPTVStories Follow more news on the website. https://www.pptvhd36.com and social media channels Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/PPTVHD36 Twitter : https://twitter.com/PPTVHD36 Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/ pptvhd36/ Line : https://lin.ee/fRsq0ip

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War on “independent press” in Russia

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