Watch out.. Signs in your hair that indicate underlying health problems

When it comes to health, the body has multiple ways of signaling positive and negative signs, too Hair It can say a lot about your health, all you have to do is be a little vigilant and look for the signs..

I know what your hair says

Here are some of the signs of physical and mental distress that can show up in hair. times news“:

Gray hair and stress:

Gray hair can be a nightmare, although it is a common phenomenon, graying hair is not always the result of aging sometimes, hormonal and other health complications play a role. Have you noticed strands of gray hair on your head lately? If yes, it could be a sign of stress.

Hair loss and anemia:

Anemia is a condition caused by the lack of healthy red blood cells in the body. This condition can manifest through various signs in the body such as fatigue, pale skin, shortness of breath, etc. Hair loss is another symptom of anemia that must be taken care of..

Hair loss and PCOS:

Did you know that hair loss can be a sign of PCOS? PCOS, otherwise known as PCOS, is a condition that causes the ovaries to enlarge and form cysts at the same time..

Thinning hair and hyperthyroidism:

Who does not like thick and thick hair? However, certain health conditions such as hyperthyroidism can lead to hair thinning. Hyperthyroidism is a condition caused by the overproduction of thyroid hormone in the thyroid gland.

Brittle hair and Cushing’s syndrome:

Fragile hair is characterized by dry, unhealthy, frizzy, split ends, and dullness. This may also be a sign of Cushing’s syndrome. Cushing’s syndrome is caused by prolonged exposure to cortisol. This condition is also known as hypercortisolism and is often caused by steroid use.

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