Water for Weight Loss: Debunking Myths and Maximizing Benefits for Your Diet

2023-09-15 12:13:44

When you think about losing weight, changing your diet is often the first thought. There are a variety of diets and strategies that promise rapid weight loss. However, drinking water has recently become increasingly important when it comes to losing weight. Water not only fulfills important functions in the body, but is also low in calories and ensures a feeling of satiety in the stomach. There are even so-called water diets that make great promises. But what’s really behind it? We give tips for your diet and clarify what you should generally pay attention to.

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Drinking water to lose weight – does it help?

There are many myths surrounding diets and weight loss methods. Even if our common sense tells us that losing five kilos in three days cannot be a healthy approach, we still like to listen to the promises of various diet guides. A popular wisdom that has persisted for years is that water is a miracle cure Lose weight is. But is that really true? Unfortunately, we have to disappoint you here: You won’t lose weight just by increasing your water intake. Drinking water does increase energy expenditure because your body has to heat the water you consume, but even when it’s ice cold liquid This means you only consume a maximum of 100 to 200 calories more with 1.5 liters of water per day. But scientific studies are divided even on this, and there is no research that shows weight loss through water alone without reducing daily calorie intake.

So you won’t get slim just by drinking water. So-called Water diets rely on additional water intake, which primarily leads to weight loss because it makes you feel full and you eat less overall. You should stay away from a pure water diet that does not allow any additional nutrient intake as a fasting cure. But even if water isn’t the magic bullet for getting rid of pounds, it is still vital for your body’s functions and can have a supportive effect on diets.

Why is water important for our body?

You need to give your body enough water so that it can function optimally and you stay healthy. These body functions are influenced by water:

Blood pressure: Your body’s blood cells and cells need water to function properly. Your blood is 92 percent water. If you drink enough water, you support your Herz helps pump blood effectively through your body and thus regulates your blood pressure. If your blood pressure is too high, the Dash diet can also help you lower your blood pressure with the right diet.High: Water supplies the cells with oxygen and leads to better blood circulation. Your skin appears plumper and small wrinkles are ironed out. This not only makes water healthy, but also a real beauty booster for your skin.Metabolism and nutrients: Water doesn’t work miracles when it comes to your metabolism, but it does have a positive effect on nutrient intake. Water dissolves the solid components of food and transports the nutrients to the cells. In addition, with the help of water Metabolic end products excreted via the kidneys.Body temperature: When you sweat, your body expels water, which evaporates on your skin, giving off evaporative cooling. This has the effect of lowering your body temperature. So that your body prepares you effectively Overheating To protect it, you have to give it enough water to compensate for the loss of fluid, especially when the outside temperature is hot or when you are doing sports.

Drink water: These are other benefits for your health

But that’s not all! Water increases yours performancebecause when you consume enough water, your brain is supplied with energy, which is your Ability to concentrate elevated. Water also stimulates intestinal activity. If the intestinal contents are too solid, they can move slowly and constipation occurs. If you drink a lot, you can support the digestive process, as water is a home remedy for constipation.

You often do Headache? Lack of water could be the problem. If you drink too little, you may experience headaches as a result of the onset of dehydration. To prevent this, you should drink enough water throughout the day as a preventative measure, as water is an excellent home remedy for headaches. And what about drinking water to lose weight? If you feel hungry, grab a glass of water first. You immediately feel fuller and so mellow Food cravings ab.

How much water should you drink to lose weight?

The recommendation of the DGE (German Society for Nutrition) is around 1.5 liters of water per day for an adult. Your more personal Water requirements However, it depends on various factors such as age, gender, height and weight as well as physical activity and time of year. If you run a marathon in midsummer, your body may need more than twice as much water per day. Normally, 1.5 to 2 liters of water per day is sufficient to keep all body functions running. Increasing your water intake does not automatically lead to weight loss. You should ask yourself whether you are really drinking the recommended amount every day. One Study found that although two thirds of Germans surveyed said they drank enough, only just under half actually consumed the recommended amount of 1.5 to 2 liters of water per day.

What are the consequences of a water shortage?

So the question is not how much water you need to drink to lose weight, but whether you drink enough water to lose weight Weight loss process your body supports becomes. A lack of water can make you feel weak and have difficulty concentrating. Your mouth becomes dry, you may have a headache, and your urine is dark yellow in color. When you’re thirsty, your body is actually already suffering Fluid deficit and sends out a warning signal. Then at the latest you should grab a glass of water.

What happens if you drink too much water?

Don’t worry, it’s almost impossible to drink too much water. But also one Oversupply can trigger various symptoms: from headaches to nausea and stomach pain to impaired blood circulation. In order to attribute general malaise to too much water, you would have to consume a double-digit liter amount of water within a very short period of time. Your water balance usually regulates itself and removes excess water through your kidneys.

What to drink – would you rather still or sparkling water?

The Germans love her Mineral water. Annual consumption has increased almost tenfold over the last 50 years and was at 2022 an average of 129.5 liters per inhabitant. However, the variants are with little carbonic acid most popular. This is good for those who want to lose weight, because still water is said to be better for weight loss. Carbonated water reduces the feeling of hunger even more by stretching the stomach and gets the stomach moving, but carbonic acid ensures that the body increases the so-called hunger hormone Ghrelin pours out. This stimulates your appetite and you eat more food.

Why is glass bottled water recommended?

Apart from ecological reasons, it is also recommended to consume water in glass bottles from a health perspective. Plastic contains plasticizers that are suspected of being transferred to the contents and having a negative effect on the body. Carbonated drinks in particular are said to be the solution pollutants made of plastic. That being said, water from glass bottles always tastes better because plastic bottles are not 100 percent leak-proof and the contents can absorb external odors.

General tips for losing weight with water

Water mainly helps you lose weight because it can curb your appetite. One or two glasses of water before every meal or when you have a craving will fill your stomach and you will automatically consume fewer calories. With our tips you can relax and use water as a support Weight loss use.

Drink straight after Stand up, this gets your body going and prepares your stomach for breakfast. Beauty guides swear by lemon water because the vitamin C also stimulates the immune system. Drink water every 30 minutes, even if you don’t have any Durst have. Once you’re thirsty, your body is already suffering from a lack of water. If you place a water bottle within easy reach, you won’t forget to drink so quickly. You can also set reminders or use special apps to help you drink regularly. Find yours daily water requirements. Various calculators are offered online that will help you find out your personal water needs and adapt them to your current life situation. Drink with everyone Have a good meal, because water fills your stomach and regulates your calorie intake. Additionally, set times will help you reach your daily water goal. A food diary in which you record your water intake in addition to meals also provides an overview. Are you active in sports, you need to increase your fluid intake. It is important not to just fill up your water reserves after training, but to drink one or two glasses of water before you start. This prevents fluid loss, because during an intensive Trainings you often forget to drink. After the workout, you should quickly replenish your reserves, this supports the body’s regeneration Water temperature seems to have an effect on the body. Actually, around 15 degrees is optimal, this is how your body can absorb the water fastest. Colder water is said to cause the body to use more calories to heat it up. However, the additional energy consumption is minimal. In Ayurvedic teachings, warm water plays a central role because it is said to have a calming effect and curb the feeling of hunger.

Conclusion: water and weight loss

So we realize: Water alone does not lead to weight loss. However, if you consume the recommended amount of 1.5 to 2 liters of water every day, the body will be supported in losing weight. The basis of a water diet is that you drink water regularly and carefully Nutrition integrated and sugary soft drinks and fruit juices replaced with pure water. You can add berries or fruits to your daily water ration to make the taste more interesting. Lemon water provides your body with additional nutrients. If you also exercise regularly and on your Calorie balance Please note, losing weight with water is definitely possible.

How much water do you have to drink to lose 1 kilo?

You won’t lose weight just by drinking water. However, water can support the weight loss process because it is responsible for important body functions. But there is no scientific evidence that water leads to direct weight loss.

Can you lose weight by drinking water?

Drinking water can help you lose weight. However, weight loss only occurs if you consume more calories than you consume. In order for your body to function optimally during a diet, adequate fluid intake is very important.

How much water do you have to drink to lose weight?

You only lose weight if you have a negative energy balance, meaning you burn more calories than you consume. Water only has an indirect impact on weight loss by supporting important body functions. For the body to function optimally, 1.5 to 2 liters of water daily is recommended.

How long does it take to lose weight with water?

Losing weight just through water is not possible. Drinking only minimally increases the body’s energy consumption, which is why drinking more water can support a diet, but does not directly lead to rapid weight loss. In principle, slow weight loss is always more sustainable, even with additional water intake.

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