we will no longer have to run to delete sent messages

In 2018 we were happy to see a novelty in WhatsApp that makes things easier for those of us who usually screw up by sending messages with typos or with words that we have not chosen well: power delete that message even after sending it. The problem is that we only had a few minutes to do it, but now developers are going to widen that margin big time.

Neither will it be necessary to run, nor will it be necessary to leave making noise

Now we will have 60 hours to decide whether to delete a message or not, about two and a half days. Plenty of room so we don’t have to rush if we think twice about telling him it’s a that person. The rest of the members of the conversation will see a notice in the place where your message was, but it is better that said message remains for all posterity.

Another novelty that we will soon have is the discreetly exit groups, informing only the administrators that you have closed the door when you leave. Members of a group will be able to see a list of all the participants who have left, but at least not everyone will be informed that you are leaving right at the moment you decide to leave.

Lastly, we can prevent others from taking screenshots of ephemeral photographs that we send Useful for times when we send sensitive information, although that does not prevent us from making the fudge of being able to take a photo with another device. But at least it will serve as a deterrent for this type of “evil” to be done.

The news should spread progressively across all iPhones, so all you have to do to enjoy those features (when they all arrive) is try to have the most recent version of WhatsApp.

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