What are flavonoids and why are they increasingly famous in healthy diets?

Flavonoids are in many foods and are easy to include in the diet (Photo: Getty)

It can be said that flavonoids are medicinal capsules that are contained in fruits, seeds, stems, leaves and vegetables and that, in addition to helping to prevent diseases, they can be the key to achieving healthy longevity.

If every week we have a varied menu that includes broccoli, onions, peppers, apples, oranges, grapes, wine, tea, and dark chocolate, among other popular foods, we can trust that we have a good dose of these health protectors.

The scientific studies that have been done to identify the properties of these natural substances have yielded results that account for their incredible benefits in favor of those who consume foods that contain one or some of the 6000 varieties of flavonoids that have been identified so far.

Before mentioning the foods that contain them, it is convenient to know exactly why they are essential in the diet.

shields against viruses

A diet rich in flavonoids is the best mask against viruses (Photo: Getty)

A diet rich in flavonoids is the best mask against viruses (Photo: Getty)

Viruses are capable of causing a wide range of diseases ranging from a simple flu, through hepatitis and the HOWuntil the new archenemy COVID-19which in the last three years has caused more than 6.4 million deaths and more than 620 million cases worldwide.

The mechanism of action of flavonoids against viruses is still unknown, but various studies have shown that they work as great barriers that, in addition to preventing viral enemies from entering the body, have the ability to release good doses of strength.

Against COVID-19Specifically, scientists have verified the effectiveness of some flavonoids in the entry into the body and the replication cycle of the virus. These flavonoids include quercetin, baicalin, luteolin, and hesperidin.

And study published in 2021 demonstrated that flavonoids act as effective shields against viruses in general.

Nowadays, flavonoids are considered essential components in a large number of products from the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry, but it is best to incorporate them permanently into the diet, in their natural presentations in vegetables, fruits, vegetables, tea or wines so that they the body maintains the antiviral barrier strengthened.

memory enhancers

Some 600 milligrams of flavonoids per day allow a protective shield for memory (Photo: Getty)

Some 600 milligrams of flavonoids per day allow a protective shield for memory (Photo: Getty)

“Do you have more than usual trouble remembering recent events?” more than 75,000 people were asked in a 20-year study that found that a diet with enough flavonoids helps prevent loss of consciousness. Cognitive ability.

The study was published in mid-2021 in the scientific journal of the American Academy of Neurology, Neurology, Led by Doctor of Epidemiology Walter Willett from Harvard University.

This research found that those who ate about 600 milligrams of flavonoids per day as part of their diets had a 20 percent lower risk of cognitive decline than those who ate 150 milligrams.

In this scientific work it is pointed out that, for example, 100 grams of strawberries have 180 milligrams of flavonoids and an apple about 113 milligrams.

Flavonoids, it was observed, help improve blood flow in the brain.

Nevertheless, the study specifies that flavonoids meet a percentage when it comes to combating the loss of cognitive ability, since quitting smoking and exercising are also an important part of the percentage graph.

protectors of the heart

An apple provides a good amount of flavonoids (Photo: Getty)

An apple provides a good amount of flavonoids (Photo: Getty)

flavonoids prevent a rise in blood pressure and other cardiovascular diseases such as diabetes and arteriosclerosis.

Among the flavonoids that are recommended to consume to prevent or help in the treatment of these diseases are the so-called naringenin and apigenin.

enemies of cancer

Flavonoids should be an indispensable part of the diet of a cancer patient (Photo: Getty)

Flavonoids should be an indispensable part of the diet of a cancer patient (Photo: Getty)

Some flavonoids also act as policemen neutralizing tumor formations or helping to treat cancer.

The flavonoid called resveratrol it has a high antioxidant and anti-inflammatory potential and is recognized in the scientific world for having great “anti-tumor” potential, as it has been shown in in vitro and in vivo studies.

In favor of erectile function

Including fruits such as oranges, tangerines, raspberries, blueberries, grapes, pears, apples, vegetables such as onion and celery, and dressings such as oregano or parsley in the diet will help prevent erectile dysfunction.

And 2016 study from Harvard University published in the Journal of Clinical Nutrition indicates that eating foods rich in flavonoids reduces the risk of erectile dysfunction by 14%.

The researchers then recommended a diet rich in flavonoids, although they noted that the effects against erectile dysfunction are enhanced when the person also exercises regularly.

Some flavonoids and in which foods to find them

There are different types of flavonoids and one of the most used is isoflavone and its protective effects on the cardiovascular system, blockers of skin aging and estrogen regulators are known. They are found naturally in soybeans, cherries, oranges, grapes, red and white wine, and black and green tea.

Resveratrol: It is a flavonoid with great potential since, in addition to being anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and cardioprotective, it has proven antitumor power. It acts in defense of the organism in all stages of cancer development and due to its estrogenic and anti-estrogenic activity it is considered a great tool against breast cancer.

It is obtained in the skin of the grapes, some red wines and seeds.

quercetin: It has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory power and fights cancer cells. It is obtained in apples, onions, green tea and red wine.

Luteolina: It is antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, helps increase defenses by modulating the immune system. It is obtained in broccoli, olives, olive oil, peppers, carrots, artichokes and coffee, among other foods.

Hesperidina: In addition to having antioxidant and anti-inflammatory potential, it works by improving intestinal function, improves glucose tolerance, inhibits the accumulation of triglycerides and prevents the accumulation of triglycerides. It is obtained in the orange and other citrus fruits.

Baicalina: This flavonoid is attributed antiviral, antibacterial, anticancer, antithrombotic and antiallergic properties, among others. It is obtained from the root of the Scutellaria baicalensis and Scutellaria lateriflora plants.

anthocyanin: Stimulates memory. It is anti-inflammatory, antitumor, antithrombotic, antidiabetic and antioxidant. They are also used as natural dyes. It’s in eggplants, red and black grapes, black raspberries, blueberries, purple corn, oranges, red wine.

Naringenin: Lowers blood pressure, modulates nitric oxide levels and protects against endothelial dysfunction. It’s in the grapefruit, orange, tomato skin, and thyme.

Kaempferol: Reduces the risk of chronic diseases, including cancer. Helps the body release antioxidants that protect it against free radicals that promote tumor development. It is obtained in tomatoes, broccoli, cabbage, beans, strawberries and grapes.

Nobiletin: It is known to be a flavonoid that has anti-inflammatory, fat-burning, anti-tumor and anti-dementia properties. It is obtained in the skins of oranges, tangerines and other citrus fruits, so it is recommended to drink tea from these peels.

Prescription: It is a flavonoid capable of reducing bad cholesterol or LDL in the body, as well as having anti-inflammatory and immune system boosting powers. Studies on this substance also report anticancer potential. Likewise, myricetin increases the effectiveness of other flavonoids with which it is found. It is obtained in red onions, parsley, nuts, blackberries, tea, grapes and red wine.


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