What are the early symptoms and prevention of 9 common cancers?

The cancer mortality rate was lung cancer, liver cancer, colorectal cancer, stomach cancer, and pancreatic cancer in that order.

Stomach cancer detection is a great help if you get a free national cancer checkup. [사진=게티이미지]

According to the ‘2022 Chronic Disease Status and Issues’ published by the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on the 17th, 82,688 people (26% of the total) died from ‘cancer’ in 2021. Next, 54,176 deaths (17%) were due to ‘cardiocerebrovascular disease’ and 14,005 people (4.4%) died from ‘chronic respiratory disease’. Let’s take a look at the early symptoms and prevention methods, focusing on the 9 most common cancers, the number one cause of death.

◆ If you suddenly lose weight… Diseases such as cancer should be suspected

According to statistics on the causes of death in 2021 published by Statistics Korea on September 27, cancer mortality was highest in the order of lung cancer, liver cancer, colorectal cancer, stomach cancer, and pancreatic cancer. Cancer is scary because there are no symptoms in the early stages, so detection is late. If cancer cells spread and go to the hospital, surgery is difficult and the risk of death is high. Prevention is the most important cancer, but if it does, it must be detected early. In general, if you lose weight rapidly even though you are not on a diet, you should suspect cancer or other diseases. Instead of making a judgment on your own, you can consider a detailed diagnosis by consulting a doctor.

◆ lung cancer

Lung cancer, the leading cause of death, is a very dangerous cancer with few symptoms. After some progress, there are no major abnormalities other than a cough and sputum similar to a cold. Therefore, diagnosis is very difficult. As it progresses, bloody sputum or hemoptysis, shortness of breath, chest pain, and hoarseness appear. A low-dose chest CT examination is also recommended for women who have suffered from cooking smoke for a long time in school cafeterias and restaurants. To prevent lung cancer, first stop smoking. Secondhand smoke should also be avoided.

◆ Liver cancer

The liver is a ‘silent organ’ with no symptoms even if it hurts. As the cancer progresses, pain or lump in the right upper abdomen is felt, abdominal distension, weight loss, severe fatigue, and indigestion appear. When liver cancer develops in patients with cirrhosis, jaundice may suddenly become severe. People who have not yet been vaccinated against the hepatitis B virus should do so. Of course, you have to be careful with your drinking. People with liver problems can help prevent liver cancer by drinking 3 cups of coffee a day.

◆ colorectal cancer

Colon cancer has no symptoms in its early stages. If it progresses considerably, there are changes such as difficulty in passing stools or changing the frequency. After defecation, you feel uncomfortable as if you have leftover stool, and you see bright red, dark red, or sticky stools. There may be stools that are thinner than before. Abdominal pain and bloating are also present. People over the age of 50 can undergo a colonoscopy if abnormalities occur after a free stool examination (national cancer screening) every year. To prevent this, it is good to reduce the total calories of the meal and eat a lot of dietary fiber such as vegetables and fruits. Do not sit for long periods of time and move your body frequently.

◆ stomach cancer

There are signs of heartburn and indigestion, but it is easy to overlook. Early gastric cancer is often asymptomatic and is often discovered incidentally during a health check-up. As the cancer progresses, discomfort in the upper abdomen, bloating, loss of appetite, weight loss, and anemia may appear. People over the age of 40 must have a free gastroscopy (National Cancer Screening) every two years. Cancer is the fourth leading cause of death because many people skip screening because it is annoying. For prevention, avoid salty foods and smoking, and eat lilies, vegetables (leek, garlic, onion, etc.) and fresh fruits frequently. Attention should also be paid to the inhibition of Helicobacter pylori infection.

◆ Pancreatic Cancer

The pancreas is located deep in the abdomen, making it difficult to detect symptoms. If you experience abdominal pain, weight loss, or jaundice, it is quite advanced. Pain is most common in the sternum, but it can come from any part of the left, right, upper, lower, or lower abdomen. You may also complain of back pain. Cancer can lead to diabetes or worsen diabetes. For prevention, smoking cessation is essential, avoiding high-fat and high-calorie foods, and eating plenty of fruits and vegetables. People with diabetes or chronic pancreatitis should receive regular treatment to minimize risk factors.

◆ breast cancer

There are usually no symptoms in the early stages, but as it progresses, painless lumps are palpable. The lump can be felt not only in the breast but also in the armpit. Bloody discharge from the nipples or eczema that does not heal well may occur. For prevention and early detection, it is good to pay attention to breast self-examination, to quit smoking, to refrain from drinking alcohol, and to exercise. If you have a hereditary condition, you may want to consider consulting your doctor to find a suitable treatment.

◆ Gallbladder Cancer – Bile duct cancer

Both are cancers in the gallbladder area. As there are no symptoms, early detection is very difficult. Abdominal pain or liver function test abnormalities may be present. In some cases, early stage gallbladder cancer is discovered incidentally on an abdominal ultrasound examination. Pain or jaundice may occur in the right upper abdomen or near the groin. Liver flukes (gandystoma) can cause biliary tract cancer while parasitizing in the human biliary tract for a long time. Since eating freshwater sashimi can lead to infection with liver flukes, be sure to cook freshwater fish and wash the knife and cutting board that have been trimmed with freshwater fish thoroughly in hot water.

◆ Kidney Cancer

There are no symptoms until quite advanced, and it is often discovered after metastasis. Side pain, blood in the urine (hematuria), and a palpable lump in the upper abdomen or flank. When your side hurts, it is better not to assume it because of back muscle pain, but to suspect kidney abnormality. For prevention, eat less meat and eat more fruits and vegetables. High blood pressure management and smoking cessation are also essential. Regular abdominal ultrasonography is helpful in early detection.

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