What are the lucky numbers for 2023?

For astrology the beginning of the year 2023, both eastern and western, the numerology as an ally it can be an extra help to know what to expect. In this discipline, the numbers represent the universal principles according to which all things evolveand its development continues in a cyclical manner.

Thus, the digits from 1 to 9 they symbolize the stages through which an idea must pass before becoming a reality. The teacher solomonrecognized tarotist y astrologerindicated what is What the year 2023 holds for each zodiac sign.

In line with this, he highlighted that, although each one will face their straightIn general, the outlook is positive. So with the tarot in hand, made predictions y recommendations for each sign, among which is the lucky number.


This year, people from Aries will open up new opportunities for sources of income. The lucky number for them is the 1359.


For the bullfightingIt will be the year of love and everything you plan will have good results. Your lucky number is he 6590.


A year of changes is predicted for people born under this air sign, which may be related to the home. The lucky number is he 4082.


For the people of Cancer Aspects such as love and housing will improve. If you want to start studies, now is a good time. Your lucky number is he 6811.


2023 will bring good economic opportunities for leoninebut very fast. Professor Solomon recommends staying alert. Your lucky number is he 1930.


“It is a year of a lot of money. There will be business and new offers on a silver platter”, Professor Salomón commented on this Earth sign. The lucky number is he 2619.


The year will bring spiritual growth and family projects for the people of Libra. The tarot reader pointed out that, in 2023, they will get married or engaged. Your lucky number will be the 0123.


This year, the Scorpios they will be magnetic: they will arouse passion and love in the others. The lucky number is he 8836.


Everything will be easy for the people of Sagittarius in the year 2023, but it is better not to talk too much with other people. The lucky number is he 2762.


The angel of abundance will accompany you to give you light, understanding and happiness. to the capricornianos, as indicated by Professor Solomon. Your lucky number is he 1313.


The people under this air sign they are going to need a lot of wisdom and enlightenment. It will be a year of power and they must know what to use it for. The lucky number is he 0427.


It will be a year of a lot of work, in which everything will work towards the changes that the people of Fish. The lucky number es 0772.

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