What deficiencies can we suffer from?

When the supply of nutrients is insufficient, the body suffers from deficiencies. What are the most common? Point.

Vitamin B9 deficiency

The main functions of the vitamine B9 are there amino acid metabolism and the production d’ADN. Take vitamin B9 therefore allows decrease the level of homocysteine ​​in the bloodd’ensure the proper functioning of the nervous systemand to guarantee the good formation of the nervous system of the fetus in pregnant women.

Vitamin B9 deficiency is one of the main causes of anemia. This disease is characterized by a abnormally low hemoglobin level (less than 13 g/l in men, 1.5 g/l in women). Anemia is caused by three main mechanisms:

  • Hemorrhages;
  • A decrease in the production of red blood cells;
  • An exponential degradation of red blood cells.

Anemia caused by vitamin B9 deficiency causes dyspneaa tachycardiaof the headachesof the dizziness and an low libido.

Most often, a vitamin B9 deficiency can be corrected by a consumption of foods rich in folic acid such as legumes, green leafy vegetables or organ meats. In the event that the deficiency has caused a severe case of anemia, it is strongly advised to see a doctor. The latter generally prescribes treatment with vitamin B9.

Vitamin D deficiency

Vitamin D plays a vital role in the formation of bone and muscle tissue. She also participates in strengthening of the immune system. It can usually be found in oily and semi-oily fish. In addition, the synthesis of vitamin D is favored by regular exposure to sunlight.

When vitamin D intake is not sufficient, the following symptoms appear:

  • Fatigue;
  • muscle weakness;
  • Dryness of the skin;
  • Bone pain.

To remedy this, adopt a diet rich in vitamin D. In addition to fatty/semi-fatty fish, supplement your diet with cod liver oil, soy drinks, salmon or offal. Also remember to expose yourself to the sun.

Magnesium deficiency

The magnesium in the body helps to reduce fatigueand contributes to operate the nervous system effectively. It is also involved in strengthening psychological functions (concentration, reasoning, memory, etc.).

When you lack magnesium, your mood is affected by it. Indeed, in a person experiencing a magnesium deficiency, there is oftenhyperemotionalityof the’anxiety, of the’irritability.

A lack of magnesium can be filled by eating leafy green vegetables, seaweed, seafood, beans, cocoa or Brazil nuts.

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