What did Ihsan Abdel Quddous present to cinema and drama on his birthday?

The first of January coincides with the anniversary of the birth of the great writer and creative writer Ihsan Abdel Quddous, who was born on January 1, 1919 and died in our world on January 12, 1990, after a life full of events and creativity. During which he left a huge legacy of books, novels and plays, during which he praised the journalistic, artistic and literary life, with many masterpieces that shaped the conscience of many generations and changed many concepts..

Ihsan Abdel Quddous is a writer of love, freedom, controversy, admiration, love, and romance. His life was rich in events and creativity, where thought, politics, journalism, love, prison, and art meet, and he talks about the personality of the mother. Rosa Al-Youssef, the pioneer of editing, art and journalism, intertwined in the biography of Ihsan Abdel Quddous Jr. He sparked controversy and enriched art, and carried ideas that absorbed all differences..

The works of Ihsan Abdel Quddous in cinema, television and theatre

Abd al-Qudous wrote more than 600 stories and novels, many of which have been turned into cinematic films, radio and television series, and theatrical works, in addition to translating 65 of his novels into several international languages. Sleep, the bullet is still in my pocket, I am free, I will not live in my father’s clothes, my dear we are all thieves, girls and summer, my father is in the tree, the empire of me, the maiden and white hair, nose and three eyes, please give me this medicine, Nadia, the way is the way Dead ends, so that smoke does not fly, and others.

The total that Abdel Quddous presented to Egyptian cinema was 49 series, 5 series that became theatrical scripts, 9 TV series that turned into radio series, and 10 other series that turned into TV series.

The great writer strengthened relations with the people of art, and encouraged the great artist Lubna Abdel Aziz to act, and the great artist said in an interview with “Oh Stemo Dia” that the writer of love and freedom was her neighbor, and he was used to it. Look at her as a young student and encourage her to act, especially embodying the heroism in her novel I Am Free. .

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