What do we eat after the age of fifty? .. A complete guide to healthy eating

People need to follow a healthy diet throughout their lives, and more so after the age of 50, as you have to pay more attention to what you eat, your intake may be low in calcium, potassium, dietary fiber and vitamin D, and low nutritional intake can lead to a range of physical diseases, including These include muscle cramps (due to calcium deficiency) and heart palpitations (deficiency .). potassium), fatigue (fiber deficiency) and bone pain (vitamin D deficiency), in this report we learn a complete guide to eating healthy after the age of fifty, according to the “health” website.

The importance of eating a healthy and nutritious diet

Calcium and vitamin D are known for their roles in bone health, but both are important for muscle contraction and nerve communication throughout the body.

Vitamin D has also been shown to play a pivotal role in immune health. Potassium is necessary for muscle contraction and nerve transmission, but its main role is to keep the heart and kidneys working.

Dietary fiber may not be classified as a vitamin or mineral, but it has a large number of qualities that qualify it as an important nutritional component. risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

And since fiber helps you stay fuller for longer, you may have less desire to eat without thinking between meals.

What to eat after the age of 50:

The following foods can be included in your diet on a regular basis to provide the body with adequate amounts of nutrients

1. Apple:

Apple relaxes the nerves, and contains vitamin B12, phosphorous, and potassium, which help in the synthesis of glutamic acid, which controls the erosion of nerve cells. When combined with honey, it recharges the nerves because it is a nerve tonic.

2. Banana:

Regular consumption of bananas relaxes the muscles and gets you a good sleep. It is rich in tryptophan, an amino acid that promotes the formation of the hormones of happiness and sleep.

3. Nuts and seeds:

They are rich in vitamin E, zinc and magnesium that regulate mood and relieve stress. Vitamin E is an antioxidant that eliminates disease-causing free radicals.

4. Raw honey:

It is one of the factors that affect mood. Honey contains levulose, dextrose and other natural sugars to give instant energy and keep you energetic. However, honey may not be suitable for diabetics and people with gut health issues.

5. Garlic:

Garlic contains selenium and antioxidants. Helps neutralize free radicals and prevent diseases.

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