What do we really know about dinosaurs?

The existence of dinosaurs was first discovered in the 18th century, and as our tools have evolved, so has our knowledge of these extinct species. It is this still unfathomable mystery that makes them more intriguing than any science fiction story.

Contrary to what is depicted in “Jurassic Park“, the DNA of dinosaurs cannot be taken from inside a fossilized mosquito. On the contrary, paleontologists must content themselves with meticulously examining the remains of fossils to determine, with more or less precision, their appearance and their behavior during their lifetime, and their findings sometimes have fascinating, if slightly frightening, implications for the future.

The mysterious extinction of the dinosaurs anchored their species in history and their genes may well be of some importance for our future. Click on this gallery to discover, thanks to information provided by the London natural history museumwhere the dinosaurs came from, how they lived then disappeared, and what they bequeathed to us.

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