What does the testicles do? How does it affect the reproductive system?

What does the testicles do? Let’s understand the male reproductive system. What hormones are the testicles responsible for? And how does it affect your men’s health?


Anatomy is more complicated than many people think.male reproductive systemwhich many people think penisfunction to produce hormones and is the most important part but actually The important part for men istestis or Testes Separately, the dot com jar, therefore, would like to bring you to understand that What does the testicles do? How is it important to men?

the appearance of the testicles

The scrotum is an oval organ located in the scrotum. Behind the penis and in front of the male anus Typically 2 inches long, 1.2 inches wide, and 1 inch thick, the scrotum is a loose scrotum that protects the testicles and serves as a thermoregulatory system. This is because the testicles have to be slightly cooler than their body temperature for sperm development.

What does the testicles do?

There are two main functions of the testicles:

  1. production of the male sex hormone testosterone This hormone is a steroid hormone that is responsible for differentiating the sex of men. It controls the development of primary sexual characteristics such as penis size and chest hair. It also contributes to the growth of puberty, such as bone and muscle growth. and the formation of blood cells The testes in healthy men can produce about 6 milligrams of testosterone per day.
  2. produce sperm when the sperm is produced Sperm develops in the epididymis inside the testicles. The testes produce an average of 200,000 sperm per minute, or millions of them per day. It then takes several months for the sperm to mature enough to be viable when ejaculated. Without the testicles, sperm cannot be produced. making the reproductive system unusable

What are the symptoms of testicular dysfunction?

If the testicles are abnormal It can affect hormone and sperm production. Make your men’s health abnormal as well. The symptoms of testicular abnormalities are as follows:

  • bodily injury – because the testicles are outside the body and has no wrapped muscles or bones. A blow to the testicle can cause severe pain, bruising, and swelling, and is usually not serious. But if it’s very severe, it can cause blood to flow into the scrotum. called testicular rupture Surgery may be needed to treat it.
  • Distorted testicle – It usually occurs after doing activities that require a lot of physical exertion. It is more common in adolescents. This torque cuts off the blood supply to the testicles. This makes the testicles unable to function normally. need surgery
  • Cryptorchidism Also known as hidden testicles – is that the testicles do not grow properly before birth causing the testicles to remain in the abdomen It can harm the normal development and function of the testes and lead to infertility. Surgery can be treated from infancy.
  • Testicular cancer – An abnormal growth of cells within the testicles that interferes with the normal functioning of the testes. Urgent medical procedures are required.

As you can see, the testicles are very important organs, so boys need to maintain this body and organs well. Health will be perfect for a long time.

Thanks for the information from: yourhormones.info, livescience.com, verywellhealth.com

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