What foods are particularly good for ‘this disease’ that afflicts middle-aged women?

Apples and soybeans are rich in blood vessel disease prevention ingredients

Apples help prevent stroke in middle-aged women. [사진=국립농업과학원]

The turning point in women’s health is menopause. Even women who were healthy when they were young, their bodies fluctuate when they reach middle age. You can enjoy a healthy lifespan (healthy longevity) when you pass menopause well. Vascular diseases that directly threaten health as well as hot flashes and sleep disturbance are increasing. You can pass menopause wisely if you pay attention to diet and exercise. What foods are particularly good for middle-aged women?

◆ apple

Apples are an under-reported food related to female menopause. Although it is far from alleviating menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, it is good for preventing vascular diseases that worsen due to menopause. Estrogen (female hormone) decreases rapidly around menopause, and middle-aged women are at increased risk of stroke (cerebral infarction – cerebral hemorrhage). It is more dangerous than hot flashes. Estrogen is a hormone that protects blood, blood vessels, and bones, but it decreases or disappears significantly around menopause.

According to the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, the dietary fiber in apples helps to discharge bad cholesterol (LDL) that accumulates in blood vessels out of the body and increase good cholesterol (HDL) to prevent arteriosclerosis, which hardens blood vessels, and stroke, which narrows or blocks blood vessels in the brain. . Vascular experts from around the world, such as the American Stroke Society and the Heart Association, have confirmed this. The American Stroke Society also published a study that found that people who ate apples had a 52% lower risk of stroke compared to those who didn’t.

Apples are rich in potassium, which inhibits calcium excretion, and thus has the effect of strengthening the bones of middle-aged women who are at risk of bone loss. Quercetin strengthens lung function and protects the lungs from cooking smoke and air pollution. Eating an apple before a meal gives you a feeling of satiety, so it helps you lose weight by reducing your intake of carbohydrates such as rice.

Soybeans help prevent breast cancer and osteoporosis, which are major diseases in menopausal women. [사진=국립농업과학원]

◆ Beans

Isoflavones, a representative component of soybeans, are phytoestrogens and help prevent breast cancer, uterine cancer, and osteoporosis, which are major diseases in menopausal women. As women age, blood pressure gradually increases. Soy protein contains antihypertensive peptides that lower blood pressure. The lipid component in soybean helps prevent cardiovascular disease and prevents the development of heart disease (angina-myocardial infarction) and stroke.

Soybeans are low in sulfur-containing amino acids, which reduces the excretion of salts through the kidneys and prevents calcium loss. To reduce the risk of osteopenia-osteoporosis in postmenopausal women. Here, if you get 20 minutes of sunlight in the morning, vitamin D is formed, which helps calcium absorption. Beans are rich in dietary fiber, which improves intestinal function and contributes to bowel movements. Lutein is good for eye health, and saponin helps slow aging by preventing oxidation of fatty acids.

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