What foods open up our body’s highway ‘blood vessels’?


Blood vessels are like highways in our body. Blood travels through the blood vessels and carries nutrients and oxygen to everything from the heart and brain to muscles and skin. Therefore, vascular health is an essential condition for longevity and healthy life.

A healthy diet is one of the most basic conditions to improve blood circulation or blood flow. So, what ingredients are good for blood vessel health?

Along with exercise, hydration, weight management, and smoking cessation, it is also important to eat foods that help blood vessel health, such as the following.

beets and spinach

Beets, a root vegetable, are considered one of the best foods for blood vessels. Beets, nicknamed ‘vascular scavengers’, contain a lot of potassium, which discharges waste products from the blood vessels, and thus helps blood circulation. In addition, betaine and nitrate contained in beets are known to help lower blood pressure by dilating blood vessels as well as dissolving blood clots adhering to blood vessel walls.

The inorganic nitrate in beets is converted into nitric oxide, which has the effect of dilating blood vessels in the body. Nitric oxide helps improve blood flow to tissues and organs. Spinach also contains nitrate abundantly, so you can expect a similar effect to eating beets.

Blueberries and grapes

Foods such as blueberries are rich in antioxidants and contain anthocyanins, which are particularly good for blood vessels. Anthocyanins can help keep arterial walls healthy. In addition, anthocyanins are known to promote the release of nitric oxide, which lowers blood pressure.

Grapes also help the health of blood vessels. In particular, the ‘flavonoid’ component contained in grapes helps prevent arteriosclerosis, heart disease, and stroke by inhibiting the formation of blood clots that block blood vessels.


Pomegranate, which is known to be good for menopausal women, is also a food that helps blood health. The small, succulent red seeds inside the pomegranate are especially loaded with antioxidants and nitrates. These ingredients help promote blood circulation. It dilates blood vessels and lowers blood pressure. This means more oxygen and nutrients are delivered to the muscles and other tissues. Also, for those who are active, active blood flow helps to improve performance.

citrus fruit

Citrus fruits are often considered a source of vitamin C. However, these foods also contain a lot of antioxidants. These ingredients can help lower inflammation, prevent blood clots, and improve blood circulation.

fish and nuts

Fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel, trout and herring are full of omega-3 fatty acids. Experts agree that Omega 3 is a very helpful ingredient for blood circulation. Therefore, eating fish high in omega-3 can help lower blood pressure and clear arteries.

Nuts, especially walnuts, are rich in alpha-linolenic acid, a type of omega-3 fatty acid, which helps blood flow smoothly.


Garlic provides health benefits in many ways, but it is one of the foods that is particularly good for blood vessel health. Allicin, a major component of garlic, plays a role in lowering blood pressure. This is because it stimulates the synthesis of nitric oxide while increasing blood vessels. Studies have shown that people who eat a garlic-rich diet have more efficient blood flow. This helps lower blood pressure.


Curcumin, a compound found in the golden yellow spice, turmeric, is well known for its anti-inflammatory properties. Studies have shown that curcumin increases the production of nitric oxide, which helps dilate blood vessels, making it easier for blood to travel to muscles and other tissues.

Reporter Kim Soo-hyun [email protected]

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