What is Ideogram AI? Create your Catrina-themed photo

MEXICO.— The artificial intelligence It has become the preferred tool to create original and very striking images.

And, because the Day of the Deadon social networks some users have begun to share some designs of Catrina and Catrín who will surely become trend as were the Photos 90s yearbook type.

Continue reading to find out how to make yours step by step.

What is Ideogram AI?

Before creating your theme design Catrina y Catherine you should know that AI ideogramis a system of artificial intelligence for create a text —coherent— that accompanies the images you want to create.

This tool is freeand it is also easy to use, since you only have to describe what you want and the AI will draw what you asked for. And, to use it you only need to use your account. Google to register.

How to create an image in Ideogram AI?

Like all systems artificial intelligencewhat you should do is write a command (or prompt) describing what you want that appears in the image.

However, here in the command you can include the request to write a word or a phrase, preferably in quotes. Likewise, you can ask him to write a certain word in the style you want.

It should be noted that it is not necessary create images with wordsit’s just an option.

You should also know that the images will have a 1024×1024 resolution, although you can also ask them to have a horizontal or vertical one instead of square.

Create an image in Ideogram AI with a Catrina and Catrín theme

Enter the website of ideogram.ai. (If it is the first time you enter you will have to register using your Google account).

Click on the button Signup with Google; (next times you can click on Login)

When you create your account you will also have to accept the terms of service, and when you do so you must choose a username to sign the images you will create.

Once you are on the main screen of Ideogramsyou will see a feed of images created by other people, which could serve as inspiration or be based on that prompt (command they used to create it).

Now, at the top you will have the field to write your command o prompt; It’s time to detail everything you want (you can write in Spanish or English). And, if you click on the writing field you will be able to enlarge it.

To apply buttons to apply different styles to the image without having to add them to the command, you will see that you have buttons Just click below.

For choose image sizeat the bottom right you will also have three options.

Once you have made your complete description, simply click on Generate.

The artificial intelligence website will generate four images with the description you provided. You can click on each image to view it large and later download it.

Now, on the eve of Day of the Dead (or of the faithful dead) You can create themed images Catrina and Catherine.

Although on social networks, some are already circulating. Here we leave you some for you you get inspired.

Keep in mind that regardless of whether you are using the same names as other users, AI ideogram each person is given an image of Catrina and Catherine different.

#Ideogram #Create #Catrinathemed #photo
2024-04-13 13:21:09

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