What is known about the train crash in Palermo

2024-05-10 21:40:00

At 10:31 this Friday, May 10, A train on the San Martín line collided with a locomotive, leaving almost 100 injured, an event that could have ended in tragedy. The Government reported that they are investigating the incident and its similarities with a collision on the same line three years ago.

The Transportation Safety Board (JST) He indicated that he is analyzing a report dated December 1, 2023 “to find out if the factors that contributed to the occurrence of both events have similarities.” On that occasion, a locomotive collided with a passenger train that had had a technical failure, on November 13, 2021.

“That night, the passenger train had left the Palermo station bound for the Retiro terminal. 750 meters from the station of origin it experienced technical failures that prevented it from continuing and it stopped. From Retiro a aid train to tow the stopped train. When it arrived at the scene, it hit the passenger train,” the Government statement indicates.

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In this regard, the investigation showed “discrepancies in communications” as a triggering factor. And they added: “By issuing the Special Cautionary Route Order, in which the exact location was not detailed. Through the group radio it was said that the train was located in “Palermo”, then in “Palermo Station” and then The last one was on “Signal 55. As a result of the investigation, it was detected that the personnel do not receive training in the use of the radio.”

Criticisms for lack of maintenance and hypotheses

Different voices came out to speak out in this regard, questioning the lack of maintenance of the formations and indicating that the theft of cables was one of the central hypotheses that led to the incident. Union members like Rubén “Pollo” Sobrero, from the Railway Union, took aim directly at the president Javier Miley.

The derailment of the train caused around 35 people to be hospitalized, after receiving attention from SAME, which deployed an extensive operation in the Dorrego and Alcorta area.

The head of The Fraternity, Omar Maturano, confessed that for 10 days there has been no sign for the machines due to the degradation of the railway and the theft of cables. “The information is that there was a locomotive stopped, alone. The driver who was coming with passengers was given written clearance, he encountered the locomotive and they collided,” he explained, and then ventured that a human error could have occurred.

Train crash in Palermo

“We have been demanding for ten days that they be repaired, but there are no spare parts. There is a total degradation of the company. Not only are the spare parts for the signaling missing, but also for the trains and cars,” he said on Radio 10.

Sobrero, for his part, directly questioned the libertarian government and said that all works on the railway were suspended. “This will be charged to (President Javier) Milei’s account, due to the lack of investments,” he shot on radio Splendid-AM 990.

Alejandor Alvite, machinist of the San Martín line, also blamed the lack of investment that was ordered since the inauguration of Milei but attacked the unions. “What happened from December 10 until now is that any type of maintenance was canceled directly. Before, there was precarious and insufficient maintenance, but now it has simply disappeared and not even that. The consequence is that neither the locomotives nor the formations are in good condition, nor are the signaling systems and the maintenance of the station areas,” he said in Radio with you.

Then he attacked the leader of La Fraternidad: “I heard him (Maturano) speak and he said that for 10 days we have been working like this, but for months we have been working like this. What happens is that he has no idea because he has not worked for years and also the management of the La Fraternidad union, as well as Unión Ferroviaria, have agreed with the company to work under these conditions, all of us who put our faces and bodies we are”.

From the National Government, the Secretary of Transportation, Franco Mogetta, stated this morning that there are “multiple hypotheses” about the event. Within minutes of the closing of this note,

The wounded

The SAME confirmed this Friday that it assisted 97 injured people and that 55 were referred to Rivadavia hospitals (13); Fernandez (7); Durand (7); Ramos Mejía (5); Pirovano (5); Tornu (6); Santojanni (2); Alvarez (2); Argerich (1); Zubizarreta (1); Grierson (1) and Ricardo Gutiérrez (1).

Crash and derailment of the San Martín train in Palermo

They also indicated that a total of 30 women and 25 men were treated, including seven minors and 46 adults. Additionally, a SAME helicopter removed an injured man with blunt chest trauma and an upper limb fracture.

Minutes after the collision, a man captured the shock of the people and expressed: “No, friend, we are miraculously alive”.

The images recorded several people lying on the ground and others trying to get back up, since they were sitting in the formation when the incident occurred.

The expertise

Federal judge Julián Ercolini, who was in charge of the case, entrusted the Federal Police and the National Security Board with taking charge of the expert opinion on the crash to determine what could have caused the incident.

These are those in charge of working at the scene and bringing the possible causes of the incident to the judge. Members of the PFA and the Board are the ones who will make a report on the entire situation.

To define responsibilities and consequently possible accusations, the court first wants to have expertise.

This must be determined if it was a human error that caused the coalition or it was a technical issue, which is why there are still no specific accusations made.

With agency information


#train #crash #Palermo

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