What is the ending of the movie “In Mid Flight” on Netflix? And what’s next?

2024-01-17 15:30:00

Did you love the end of “In Mid Flight” on Netflix? Discover the key facts to remember from this first part. Will it have a sequel? The answer in what follows!

How did Cyrus and his team manage to steal Lars’ gold, after being recruited by Interpol? How did they manage to foil the plan of one of the most powerful intergovernmental organizations in the world? That basically sums it up the end of “In full flight” by Gary Gray broadcast on Netflix. As the film broke the viewing record, here is a brief breakdown of its ending. Warning, spoilers ahead!

According to Cyrus’ original plan, he and his team were supposed to steal Lars’ gold worth $500 million. They should then send it to Interpol by train. The plan went well with a few differences!

Before the end of the film, Cyrus reveals that they managed to double-cross Interpol by stealing the gold. He says that while he and Abby were negotiating with Harry to convince him to become an ATC insider in Brussels, Magnus made a crate filled with metal bars painted gold.

At the beginning, Cyrus is a bit like Robin Hood who steals from the rich to give to the poor. This is not about to change throughout the film, when he refuses to leave the gold in the hands of a corrupt agent. He therefore makes sure to pay the members of his team commensurate with the risks they took during this mission.

An “In mid-flight” mission, an ending worthy of the heist of the century!

Before the end of “In Mid Flight”, Lars attempts to avoid arrest by pretending that Cyrus and his team are the intruders. Fortunately, Cyrus had a plan in place that would prove their innocence. Through Mi-sun’s video, he proved that Lars killed the Leviathan anchor.

To put his plan into action, Cyrus asked his team to flying a private jet near the A380 carrying gold. This made it possible to exchange their radar signature. They then used a portable signal jamming device (PSID) to cut all GPS transmissions between the A380 and air traffic control, rendering the plane invisible.

They then launched a drone equipped with a transponder bearing the radar signature of the A380 and sent it to Zurich. Meanwhile, one of them opened the A380 safe and replaced the gold with the fake bars. After pulling off the heist, they landed in the Alps from where they were supposed to send the gold to Huxley, but didn’t!

Will the film have a sequel?

The probability that “In Full Flight” will see a sequel is immense! As this Netflix movie ends with most of the characters alive after the heist, there’s a chance they’ll come together to pull off another big heist.

Questioned on the subject at the microphone of Variety, Gary Gray revealed the possibility ofa potential sequel. Although he can’t make this decision alone, he thinks Netflix could turn it into a franchise. So the ball is in Netflix’s court…

#movie #Mid #Flight #Netflix #whats

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