What is the NEAT, this method to stay in shape without doing sports?

NEAT is the anagram of “Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis”, or thermogenesis related to non-sporting activities.

It is not always easy to exercise regularly. But it is possible to practice a physical activity without necessarily having to put on a sports outfit. This is the principle of NEAT, a method that encourages you to move as much as possible by multiplying daily movements that may seem trivial.

Difficult to fit a sports session into your day? A few simple everyday gestures can replace physical activity. This is NEAT, the anagram of “Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis”, or thermogenesis linked to non-sporting activities.

What is NEAT?

Le NEAT corresponds to all the movements that can be made during a day that have no connection with a sports practice : spark a little further, favor walking, climb the steps rather than fall back on the escalators or elevators…

All these actions do not necessarily burn a lot of calories, but if they are accumulated over a day or a week, they can represent a significant energy expenditure. “Even innocuous physical activities dramatically increase metabolic rate and it is the cumulative impact of a host of exothermic actions that culminate in an individual’s daily NEAT,” explain American specialists in a study.

In terms of results, do not expect a radical change in silhouette or weight. However, the health benefits will be very present, in particular to limit the risks of developing chronic pathologies such as cardiovascular diseases, or even cancers.

If the NEAT is not an end in itself, it is one of the solutions to fight against a sedentary lifestyle. As a reminder, according to a study by the Senate, “in 50 years the physical capacity of 7-18 year olds has dropped by 25%”.

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