What Is Wolverine’s Muscle Gaining Diet | metropolises

Actor Hugh Jackman, 54, is set to play Wolverine again in Deadpool 3, set to be released next year. To gain muscle mass, heavy training and an unusual diet are part of the artist’s routine.

Recently, Jackman shared a photo of his daily food on Instagram. In all, there are six meals that together account for 8,000 calories. But isn’t so much food like that overkill?

Nutritionist Tamyris Farias, from the Science Play platform, explains that to achieve hypertrophy you really need to have a hypercaloric diet, that is, with more calories than you spend.

“However, the best thing is for it to be a gradual increase, an average of 300 calories up to 1,000, above this energy intake there is a risk of increasing body fat”, he points out.

A diet like the actor’s is far above the recommendation for ordinary people. But Jackman works out two to three times a day, five days a week, accompanied by a personal trainer.

Tamyris adds that in addition to resistance training, diet and sleep need to be monitored in order to gain lean mass. “Food and rest are key to building muscle,” she says.

Is there a risk of getting fat?

The nutritionist explains that the diet needs to be well balanced so that there is no accumulation of fat. “It is important to clarify this, as many people think that the more protein they consume, the more muscle will be formed. It’s not like this.”

According to the professional, the average protein recommendation for a muscle hypertrophy diet is 2 grams per kilogram. Proteins should be fractionated throughout the day, between 4 and 6 meals.

And supplementation, is it necessary?

Supplements complement the diet in cases where the daily recommendations cannot be reached.

It is common that they are used for convenience because they facilitate the consumption of proteins in an afternoon snack or before bed. Anabolic steroids are not recommended, as they cause serious health problems.

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