What should be done when the pressure drops suddenly?


The affectation, also known as hypotension, occurs when blood pressure is lower than normal.


Blood pressure is one of the main vital signs of a mammal. Denotes the force of the blood when circulating. Explain Medline Plus Every time the heart beats, it pumps blood into the arteries. Therefore, the risk that this pumping rate drops abruptly is that, by decreasing the levels of oxygen, which moves with the blood, irreversible damage to the brain or heart is generated.

A very low circulation rate is also known as hypotension. In addition to some symptoms that show it, it is possible to know with certainty that there is low pressure, when it is taken correctly with a sphygmomanometer or tensiometer, which is this bracelet that when filled with air squeezes the upper part of the arm.

What to do when the pressure drops suddenly?

It is key to keep in mind that lower than normal blood pressure in an individual who is in good health may not require treatment, but in other cases it is necessary to act on time.

In that situation and “When you have symptoms of a drop in blood pressure, sit or lie down immediately. Afterwards, raise your feet above the level of your heart.advises the health portal. In this sense, depending on the situation, they recommend various actions.

And at hypotension is severe and is related to shock, can be considered an emergency. So they could:

  • Delivers blood intravenously
  • Prescribe medication to increase blood pressure and improve heart strength or prescribe antibiotics.

And at hypotension is related to getting up too quickly, the following options are presented:

  • If your low blood pressure is the result of a medication, you can expect a different medication to be suggested. Even so, the suggestion is that everything be done under medical supervision.
  • They may recommend that you drink more water to maintain optimal hydration levels.
  • They also suggest using compression sockswhich prevent the accumulation of blood in the legs.

“People with neurally mediated hypotension should avoid triggers, such as prolonged standing. Other treatments include drinking plenty of fluids and increasing the amount of salt in the diet. Talk to your provider before trying these measures. In severe cases, medications can be prescribed,” they explain.

Now, they recommend seeking immediate medical help, “if low blood pressure causes a person to faint, that is, to become unconscious. When the person is not breathing or does not have a pulse, they propose starting cardiopulmonary resuscitation (RCP).

Also if symptoms such as maroon (dark red) stools, chest pain, lightheadedness, dizziness, fainting, fever greater than 101ºF (38.3ºC), irregular heartbeat, shortness of breath are included.

Causes of low blood pressure

Causes can range from dehydration to serious medical conditions. It is important to find out what is causing your low blood pressure so that it can be treated.

The causes of this situation can be varied. In accordance with Sanitas.esthis health problem can be caused by a sudden and abrupt change of position, having been on your feet for a long time, a severe allergic reaction, bleeding with a lot of blood loss, dehydration, having a heart disease such as arrhythmia or heart failure, the alcohol intake and the consumption of medications such as antidepressants.

If this goes on for a long time, it can cause serious consequences, including: stroke, heart attack, and kidney dysfunction.

The specialized portal Medical News Today raises some natural remedies that can help raise and regulate it.

1. Eat more salt. Contrary to popular advice, low sodium diets are not recommended for everyone with blood pressure problems. For people with low blood pressure, they should consider increasing their sodium intake moderately to help raise it.

2. Avoid alcoholic beverages. Alcohol can lower blood pressure even more, so people with hypotension should avoid excessive alcohol consumption.

3. Medication intake. Low blood pressure can be a side effect of various medications and that is why it is advisable to talk to your doctor to evaluate the issue and validate what may be causing the situation.

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