What the war council decided on retaliation in Iran 2024-04-18 18:59:01

Iran launched explosive drones and fired missiles at Israel late Saturday in retaliation for an attack on its embassy in Damascus, fueling fears of a wider regional conflict that has erupted from the Israel-Hamas war.

Israel has postponed the Rafah operation for which preparations were to begin this week, following Iran attacked Israel early Sunday morning, CNN reported Monday, citing Israeli sources.

The Israeli Air Force was to begin dropping leaflets on areas of Rafah on Monday, two Israeli sources said, amid preparations for a ground assault on Gaza’s southernmost city, where more than 1 million people have taken refuge.

Those plans were halted following the weekend retaliatory attack by Iran, in which more than 300 missiles were fired at Israel, the vast majority of which were intercepted by Israel and its partners.

An Israeli official said Israel remains determined to launch a ground attack on Rafah, although the timing of the civilian evacuation and the upcoming ground attack remain unclear at this time.

The Israeli military declined to comment.

In the meantime, the war cabinet remains determined to respond to Iran’s attack, but as it met Monday followingnoon, its members continued to debate the timing and scope of such a response, officials said. In addition to a possible military response, the war cabinet is also considering diplomatic issues.

Netanyahu has stressed the importance of the Rafah invasion in order to dislodge the remaining Hamas factions, despite significant pressure from the United States to call off an all-out ground offensive.

The future of the war in Gaza and an upcoming ground offensive in Rafah are also influencing the war cabinet’s discussion of a possible response to Iran’s attack.

A military response that risks further escalating the conflict with Iran would draw the military’s attention and resources away from Gaza, where Israel’s government has vowed to hand Hamas a total defeat.

Iran made their best attack (or very important) in Israel with over 100 ballistic missiles, cruise missiles and over 100 drones, a total of over 300 forms of air attack from many different sides and actors.

What if Israel finally decides to fight back? What if he decides to use this opportunity to finally bomb Iran’s precious nuclear weapons program?

Such a scenario has been played out for years, but here’s one version of what it might look like.

Several squadrons of F-35 stealth fighter jets might fly separate routes to strike sites in the vast Islamic Republic, some as far as 1,200 miles from the Jewish state.

Some of the aircraft might fly along the border between Syria and Turkey (despite opposition from those countries) and then cross into Iraq (which would also be opposed). Other aircraft may fly through Saudi airspace (unclear if this would be with tacit agreement or opposition) and the Persian Gulf.

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The main objective would be to eliminate Iran’s air defenses according to the Jerusalem post.

The jets might arrive simultaneously or in waves to blitz Iranian air defenses at dozens of nuclear sites, which would have been pinpointed by Mossad and IDF intelligence.

Their primary mission would be to eliminate Iran’s powerful air defense shield, a defense system far more sophisticated than anything at the disposal of countries such as Lebanon and Syria or organizations such as Hezbollah and Hamas.

Regardless of whether the F-35s came in unison or in waves, there would almost certainly be a separate wave of Israel’s F-15 Eagles, F-16 Fighter Falcons, and heavily loaded F-35s carrying American GBU-bombs. 72 5,000 lbs. Bombs of 2,000 pounds and smaller can also be used for various targets.

The IDF might also use a significant number of its own surface-to-surface ballistic missiles, as well as intelligence-gathering and attack drones.

Fordow’s main chamber is buried regarding 80 meters underground, a depth that only the 30,000-pound “bunker buster” bombs in the American arsenal might destroy instantly.

But even under the Trump administration, the US has always refused to provide Israel with such destructive weapons.

However, it is not necessary to completely eliminate a facility to render it useless. Continued strikes might disrupt Tehran’s access to electricity and cut it off from the world.

But there are other strategic facilities that Israel would be interested in hitting, such as the heavy water reactor at Arak, the uranium conversion plant near Isfahan, research reactors at Bonab, Ramsar and Tehran, as well as other facilities where Iran is developing sophisticated equipment programs.

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