What will happen to the body if you drink a glass of pomegranate juice every day

Grenade against hand

Pomegranate and pomegranate juice is a unique product. Of course, everyone knows about the usefulness of antioxidants in the anti-AGE process (anti-aging process), but not many people know that pomegranate juice and pomegranate have unique properties in relation to fight against oncology.

First of all, in oncology, the properties of pomegranate juice have been studied in relation to tumors of the breast, prostate and intestines. The properties of pomegranate juice in relation to the fight against oncological pathologies are associated with ellagic acid. This acid prevents the division of cancer cells in the body, causes in the body such a phenomenon as apoptosis – the natural death of tumor cells.

This has been studied in laboratories and scientifically proven, so the benefits of pomegranate juice in the antitumor effect have been unambiguously proven.

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