What your physical pain says about your emotional state

Did you know that certain physical pains are sometimes the reflection of an emotional state? It is common to hear that a breakup can lead to certain physical pains in the body. We then speak of emotional pain.

Can emotional pain translate to the body?

The answer is yes ! Indeed, when an emotion is repressed for too long, it is possible that it will end up resulting in physical pain. For example, a romantic breakup can often reflect stomach aches, such as the feeling of a tight stomach and therefore a loss of appetite. We therefore speak of physical pain after an emotional shock.

What physical pain says about our emotional state

Sometimes, certain physical pains are the representation of our emotional state of the moment. But what are these pains and what do they represent?

  • Back pain: sometimes, this can represent a heavy psychic load that you carry. Load at work, in personal life but also the weight of responsibilities.
  • Stomach ache: a situation or event that is difficult to “digest”. It can also reflect a form of stress that is difficult to manage.
  • Headache: Whether it is the neck, temples or forehead, headaches can sometimes reflect stress. It is essential to stay well hydrated.
  • Sore hands: You probably suffer from a lack of “letting go”. Wanting to absolutely control everything can create tension or rigidity in the hands.

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