“When a Birthday Prank Goes Wrong: The Viral Story of a Husband Smashing a Cake in His Wife’s Face”

2023-05-08 08:00:00

Any baby’s first birthday is always special. and, in general, the decoration, balloons and gifts are everywhere. Candie and her husband prepared the cake for her sweet diapered son, but everything went wrong when one of them decided to pull a ‘prank’: she was left crying because of what her husband did. This case caused outrage in the United States and thousands of people described it as an “irresponsible act.”

The moment was viralized on TikTok, and it is that the father of the family could not bear that his son was unable to break the cake as he expected. In a fit, the man grabbed the big cake and did the unthinkable: smashed it into his wife’s face. This moment earned him close to 5 million views and thousands of comments that were sensitive to Candie.

smashed the cake in his face

The 40-year-old woman did not expect her husband to have the nerve to throw the cake in her face, although playfully, the act was totally embarrassing: “she wanted to strangle (her husband)”, said the woman after revealing how her creature’s birthday was spoiled with a single action.

In fact, her husband was already beginning to stress when he saw that his son could not do the ‘honors’ with the cake: this was a ‘smash cake’ made especially for children to dig inside and end up smeared with candy. After encouragement and some applause, the adult couldn’t take it anymore and decided to do what was defined as a punishable act.

watch the viral video

I cried like a baby for the lost memories. They even cut the cake while I was taking a shower (…) If he does this again, he won’t live to talk about it.”she said of the embarrassing moment on tape.

In just fractions of seconds, Candi’s husband had already ruined the name day and was labeled a ‘bad father’ on the Internet: “We didn’t get but one photo before I had to shower. I’m not sure why she thought this was a good idea.”added she, who is now waiting for another birthday to see if they can do things right this time.

“Seriously speaking, there is no crime for what this man did. The great punishment is if he had done it to the baby ”Said a curious person between the comments.

“They say that a reprehensible act? I see it as a practical joke, but it’s not that bad. They look more like a happy family.” says another person.

#cruel #joke #father #sons #birthday #divorce

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