When I sent a message to Prithviraj saying “All the best, I will break it down”, the reply was “Chummairiyetei” – Rupesh Peethambaran

2024-02-24 17:18:00

Rupesh Peethambaran is an actor who is famous for portraying Mohanlal’s childhood in the movie Sphatikam. Later he directed the films Uttram and You Too Brutus and acted in the films Mexican Aparata, Kunjeldo and Gambler.
In an interview with Mollywood, Silly Monks talked about the friendship between the actor and Prithviraj and the incident where he texted Prithvi before the release of Lucifer.

‘Honestly, I am afraid of doing films with superstars. I always like to do small films. When that happens, even if you fail, it won’t be too bad. On the other hand, if it is a big film, everyone will blame us if it fails anywhere. This is now safe. The other is tension. I only realized that during Lucifer. When the trailer of the film came out and everyone was in great anticipation, I sent a message to Prithvi saying all the best, Polikuk. The reply was ‘chummairiyetei’.

Because the pulley is under good tension. Making a film with such a big star like Laleton on such a budget is no small feat. Everyone is pinning their hopes on a single name Prithvi. It was a hit and repeat watch. Similarly, the one hundred percent sure time that Prithvi will get tensed will be when Empuran descends.

Prithviraj is the name we all trust. That’s a big commitment. We will be at peace only when that movie comes out and becomes a hit, a super success. All the filmmakers I know, if they are shooting with big stars, I call them only after it is a hit. If it fails, I don’t call, why are we calling and hurting them more’ Rupesh said.

Content Highlight: Roopesh Peethambaran share the experience after messaging Prithviraj

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