Whey protein: when does taking the supplement start to show results?

2024-01-31 05:00:34

Whey protein is one of the most famous supplements for those who are in the process of hypertrophy, the gain of muscle mass. Made from isolated milk protein, the powdered product is used to supplement macronutrient intake and help muscles recover after exercise.

However, although the supplement makes a difference from the first day, the results are only visible weeks later.

“Muscle hypertrophy is just one of the many benefits of whey, but to increase muscle you need to associate it with training. The increase in muscle mass, something that is visible to the eyes, requires at least eight to 12 weeks of use”, highlights sports nutritionist Diogo Cirico, from Growth Supplements.

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The expert states that the amino acids responsible for stimulating muscle protein synthesis begin to act immediately after the first scoop and, therefore, it is important to remember that the process is not quick like a headache medicine. You need to consume whey continuously.

The product is recommended for anyone looking to reach their daily protein goal, but it is not restricted to bodybuilders.


To gain muscle mass in a healthy way, you need to follow a routine of regular physical activity and a diet rich in protein sources Getty Images


Exercise repetitions should be slow, especially during the muscle contraction phase. Therefore, the more effective the gain in muscle mass will be during the recovery period Getty Images

Cross fit

Do not stop exercising as soon as you start to feel pain or a burning sensation. It is at this moment that the white fibers of the muscle begin to break down, leading to hypertrophy Getty Images


Train three to five times a week. But alternate muscle groups. Rest is essential for hypertrophy Getty Images


Eat a healthy, protein-rich diet. They are responsible for maintaining muscle fibers and are directly related to hypertrophy Getty Images

Training at the gym

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Bodybuilding Weight Loss Fitness Wellbeing

Strength training helps build more lean mass in the body iStock

gym workout workout

You need to be patient to achieve the desired results and always train with guidance Getty Images

muscle man

Don’t stop when you reach your goal to avoid losing the definition you achieved. Generally, muscle mass loss can be observed in just 15 days without training iStock

gym training

Maintaining a regimented routine promotes muscle growth. Don’t stop when you achieve your goals, as the loss of lean mass is noticeable in just two weeks without activity Getty Images

working out at the gym

Rest time between workouts also influences results Unsplash

Back Progress 0 How to optimize whey

“To get the most out of whey, it is crucial to get a quality night’s sleep, as when you sleep, your muscles recover from micro-injuries that occur during training. Furthermore, it is important to follow an exercise routine designed especially for you, taking into account your body and physical condition”, explains Cirico.

Diet also plays an important role as it must provide the right amount of calories, carbohydrates, and fats. In some cases, other supplements, such as creatine, pre-workouts and caffeine, can help accelerate training results, but it is essential to consult a professional before starting consumption.

Is there any health risk?

According to Cirico, the chance of someone suffering a health problem because of whey protein is very low: it would be necessary to ingest one kilo of the product per day to damage the body. “It would be difficult for anyone to eat all of this and, if they did, the body would eliminate excessive proteins”, says the nutritionist.

Advantages of whey

In addition to gaining lean mass, the supplement can strengthen the immune system, prevent premature aging, help control blood pressure and provide satiety.

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