Which Resident Evil should get a remake – Capcom would like to know –

2023-06-04 23:28:57

After three very successful remakes of classic Resident Evil titles (parts 2, 3 and 4), most people probably expected them to continue down this path with remakes of the very first Resident Evil and/or maybe to be fan-favorite Resident Evil – Code: Veronica.

And it looks like the remake strategy might be exactly what Capcom will continue to explore, as they’ve now launched a player survey with questions about the franchise to find out how invested fans are. Towards the end, it gets really interesting, because Capcom suddenly asks the respondents “if there are other Resident Evil games (they) want to redo”.

While that doesn’t need to be proof of anything, it definitely shows that Capcom is curious about interest in more remakes and what titles people are hoping for. It’s worth noting that the original Resident Evil got a 2002 Gamecube remaster (which was released as a remaster for all major formats in 2015), but that also means it’s a 20+ year old remake, so we really think it would be motivated to bring it back for a new audience – but most of all, we’re keeping our fingers crossed for the masterpiece that is the classic Dreamcast Code: Veronique.

Merci VGC

#Resident #Evil #remake #Capcom

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