Who is happier married or single? Scientific research has arrived

It is said about marriage that it is such a lido that those who eat it will regret it and those who don’t will also regret it. But are married people happier and healthier or single?

The answer is quite interesting and according to scientific research, married people are not happier or healthier than single people.

A study by the University of California, USA, analyzed the physical and mental health of married and single people.

Research has shown that there is little evidence that marriage has long-term positive effects on people’s personality and health.

According to research, it is believed that marriage is best for improving health and personality, but the evidence in this regard is insufficient.

According to researchers, results are often exaggerated in research reports, but the reality is somewhat different.

He further stated that there is not much difference between single and married people in terms of depression, loneliness, physical health and happiness.

They argued that getting married was unlikely to lead to significant long-term improvements in health or personality.

The results of this study were published in the journal Encyclopedia of Mental Health.

Earlier in February 2023, research from the Norwegian Institute of Public Health found that long-term cohabitants had a lower risk of dementia than divorced and lifelong singles.

The study found that divorced and single people were 50 and 73 percent more likely to be diagnosed with dementia, respectively.

The researchers found that there was no strong association between being married and the risk of minor mental problems, but the association was clear for a reduced risk of dementia.

He said that having a spouse provides more protection to the brain as we age.

#happier #married #single #Scientific #research #arrived
2024-04-26 10:58:04

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