Who is Luciano Pertossi, the rugby player who could break the pact of silence in the crime of Fernando Báez Sosa

The accused Luciano Pertossi was the first, and so far only, to utter a word before the cruel videos that showed the last minutes alive of Fernando Báez Sosathe young man beaten to death on the outskirts of the boliche “The Brick” by Villa Gesell.

The boy, who he is close to turning 22 years oldIt’s one of the Eight arrested and accused for the crime of Villa Gesellbefore him Oral Criminal Court No. 1 of Dolores. Expectations are set on the possibility that finally be the first of the group to break the pact of silence and thus advance in the determination of responsibilities.

The youngest of the Pertossi arrested He is Ciro’s brother and Lucas’s cousin.with whom he was on vacation that fatal weekend on the Buenos Aires coast. Today he denied being the one who stars in one of the key videos of the investigationwhere the blows to Báez Sosa are observed.

The Pertossi family has a long criminal history. In fact, his brother Ramiro Pertossi, 18 years oldwas also detained: in May 2021 he was arrested for having threatened a young man in Zárate with a firearm.

Luciano’s mother Maria Cinallidoes not detach from the young man. Accompanies you to each hearings, and even was surprised today when Pertussi made his defense before the Prosecutors. Also, curiously, She is also the mother of Emilia Pertussi, legal representative of the rugby players in this instance.

Pertossi is among the defendants who could face the highest sentencesince one of the witnesses to Fernando’s death pointed it out like who gave “the last kick” the murdered youth. Too accused him of assaulting himto prevent him from defending his friend.

“I was not there”

“I want to clear something up, shall I? I was not there”, began with his defense Luciano Pertossi. There the Court asked that the experts leave the room and the young man sat down in front of the judges.

“I deduced that they said that I came from that side, I was not there,” The young man continued his statement. Immediately the prosecutor asked him: “Where was it?” to which Luciano replied “I’m not going to answer”.

Faced with the reiteration of the question, the young man maintained “I’m not going to answer”. Once again the prosecutor asked him: “Who is the person in black behind the car?” to which Pertossi stated: “I don’t want to answer any other questions, don’t make an effort because I’m not going to answer anything else.”

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