Who is Nacho Castañares, the finalist who survived the most plaques in Big Brother 2022

The first to enter and perhaps the last to leave the House of Big Brother 2022: Ignacio “Nacho” Castañares is one of the youngest of the participants who joined the reality show last October and, despite the fact that he was on the plate numerous times, he was able to overcome obstacles and get his own following in the most famous House in the country.

The boy drew attention, initially, for his life story. He was born in Madrid, but since he was 4 years old he lives in Argentina; so far he had arrived with his mother, who died a short time ago and what meant a resounding change of life.

Inside the screen telefe, had been in the competition within the group of “Los Little Monkeys”; that “organization” within the House did not sit well with the public and meant the departure of many of its members, such as Tomás Holder, Juan Reverdito and Martina Stewart. But Nacho knew how to accommodate and move on, weaving alliances with other participants such as Lucila «La Tora».

«I am a more mental than emotional person. I want to win the Big Brother game because I am a super competitive person and I want to win» Nacho had stated when he entered the most famous reality show in the country, last October

When they called him to the reality show, Nacho was working at a car dealership and played as a quasi-professional soccer player. in Ferro, Communications and Racing. Today he hopes to become one of those touched by Big Brother’s wand.

When is the final of Big Brother 2022 and at what time is it broadcast?

the end of Big Brother It will air this Monday. March 27th; As throughout the reality show, the program will be broadcast live on the screen of telefe and you can also follow the minute by minute through Pluto TV.

The final will begin at 10:15 p.m., in the usual schedule of the rest of the programs. However, it is expected that the resolution will only be known recently. after midnight.

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