Who was Salvador Ramos?, the person responsible for the Texas school shooting

The young man published on his social networks the weapons he owned.

Authorities in the United States identified the shooter who entered a Texas elementary school and killed 20 people (18 children and two adults) as Salvador Ramos. Official sources indicated that the aggressor was killed by the police.

The young man was 18 years old and a student at Uvalde High School.

According to reports, before carrying out the shooting at the school, he shot his grandmother. However, the researchers have not yet specified whether there is a relationship between the two attacks or how serious the woman is.

State Governor Greg Abbott confirmed that the assailant “horribly and incomprehensibly shot and killed 14 students and killed a teacher.” Four other boys were later confirmed dead.

It was Abbott himself who revealed the name of the attacker and stated that the main hypothesis is that he had been shot by the police officers who arrived after receiving the alert for the shooting. Initial reports indicate that at least two officers were injured.

Although the investigation is just beginning, according to the governor, the shooter arrived at the school in a car and entered the elementary school.

The aberrant event occurred at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, about 135 kilometers west of San Antonio. The incident would have occurred outside the establishment, according to witnesses.

The attacker then ran to barricade himself in the building, from where more shots could have been heard. He was carrying a pistol and would have also carried a rifle, according to what Abbott said.

The photos circulating on the Internet of Ramos were replicated from his Instagram account @ salv8dor_, which was closed minutes after his identity was revealed.

Those photos, which show him with a rifle and charger, had been uploaded at the end of April. After the closure of the official Instagram account, he was filled with “fake accounts” that replicated the same images.

Authorities confirmed that he was a US citizen. The motivation for the attack is still unknown.

Uvalde School District Police Chief Pete Arredondo confirmed that Ramos acted alone in the massacre, committed at 11:37 local time in Texas.

“I answered him because I was afraid of him”

As soon as the massacre was known, a young woman from the Instagram account @epnupues showed conversations with Ramos in stories, in which she said she was afraid of him, and that she was kind to him for that.

In the plates he showed on his personal account, the shooter asked him: “Are you going to repost the photos of my weapons?” “What do your weapons have to do with me?” the young woman replied.

“I just wanted to tag you,” was Ramos’ response. “I am very confused. Why?” she replied.

“Thanks for tagging you,” he blurted out. «No, it only scares me fr (for freak or freaky – derogatory way of saying phenomenon). “I barely know you and you tag me in a photo with some weapons,” the conversation concluded that day.

In other captures it is seen how the young man tells him that he would send him a text in an hour. “But you have to answer, I have a little secret and I’m going to tell you,” the young man tells him.

“Maybe I’m taking a nap, because I’m very sick. But if I’m awake I’ll do it”, was the young woman’s response.

In other plates in the stories, the girl makes her defense: «He is a stranger that I do not know anything about, he decided to label me at his weapons post. I feel sorry for the victims and their families, I really don’t know what to say.”

“The only reason I answered him was because I was scared of him. I wish I had stayed awake to at least try to convince him not to commit his crime. I didn’t know », she justified herself in anguish.

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