“Wholesale risks”… a medical warning for those who chew a lot of gum

chewing gum has several BenefitsBecause it increases production salivaThe latter is a vital component for oral health.

And the flow of saliva helps to get rid of it sugars And food particles, and this prevents harmful bacteria from multiplying in the mouth, thus, protecting teeth from decay.

But chewing gum should be done in moderation, and without excessive amounts, so that it does not lead to several health damages that sometimes require treatment.

According to the recommendations of the site "Cleveland Clinic"The chewing gum portends a number of dangers, including:

  • The emergence of a disorder in the temporomandibular joint as a result of repeated chewing.
  • A person is accustomed to chewing in order to break up food in the mouth and then swallow it followingwards, but the gum is chewed repeatedly, for a period that may be long at times.
  • Headache due to frequent jaw movement.
  • Tooth fractures.
  • Chewing gum should be done in no more than 15 minutes per day.
  • People with a disorder of the temporomandibular joint should think carefully before embarking on chewing gum.
  • The fact that the gum contains an important percentage of sugar makes it a cause of cavities.
  • Decay occurs because bacteria convert sugar in the mouth into acids, the latter eroding the layer "enamel" that are above the teeth.


According to the British “Mulgrave” group specialized in dental health, the position of chewing gum has several BenefitsBecause it increases production salivaThe latter is a vital component for oral health.

And the flow of saliva helps to get rid of it sugars And food particles, and this prevents harmful bacteria from multiplying in the mouth, thus, protecting teeth from decay.

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But chewing gum should be done in moderation, and without excessive amounts, so that it does not lead to several health damages that sometimes require treatment.

According to the recommendations of the “Cleveland Clinic” website, the position of the gum warns of a number of risks, including:

  • The emergence of a disorder in the temporomandibular joint as a result of repeated chewing.
  • A person is accustomed to chewing in order to break up food in the mouth and then swallow it followingwards, but the gum is chewed repeatedly, for a period that may be long at times.
  • Headache due to frequent jaw movement.
  • Tooth fractures.
  • Chewing gum should be done in no more than 15 minutes per day.
  • People with a disorder of the temporomandibular joint should think carefully before embarking on chewing gum.
  • The fact that the gum contains an important percentage of sugar makes it a cause of cavities.
  • Decay occurs because bacteria convert sugar in the mouth into acids, the latter eroding the “enamel” layer that coats the teeth.

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