Why alone? – Lena Miro: — LiveJournal

The Meladze brothers, married to the Viagrovy sisters, showed up at the concert together.

More precisely, Valeron sang, and Konstantin was called on stage as a songwriter, so that the audience would applaud him too.

Photo: Social networks

The audience really clapped, but what surprised me – why are the brothers alone?

Both have wives. And go without them. Why don’t they show? Really, in families something is wrong?

How else to understand the Meladze brothers, who cut through Berlin together?

No, well, there is nothing of the kind in this alleged event – both were married before the Viagroves, so why not get a divorce again? It is surprising that if this happened, then why were we not informed about it?

Guys, they are still somewhere – both are not even 60. One writes songs, the other sings loudly. There is a lot of money, as I understand it – you can find younger wives.

Maybe they just haven’t found it yet?

Here we have the singer Slava is free. Buzova still walks without a fiancé. Who else? Give me options on who to look at guys!

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