Why did Tostao make Pamela Ospina cry in ‘MasterChef Celebrity?

© Courtesy Canal RCN
“It makes me angry,” said the comedian in the midst of tears. Her classmates assure that the member of ChocQuibtown and Pamela do not get along at all.

“It makes me angry,” said the comedian in the midst of tears. Her classmates assure that the member of ChocQuibtown and Pamela do not get along at all.

A new team challenge was witnessed in the most recent chapter of MasterChef Celebrity. Tostao, Chicho Arias, Corozo and Aida Morales who were the winners of the immunity pin, had to choose the teammates that would be part of their teams for the test.

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The atmosphere became tense when the comedian Pamela Ospina He was last and by obligation he had to stay in the group of the member of ChocQuibtown, where they were already Isabella Santiago and Estiwar G. Let’s remember that in one of this week’s episodes there was also a heavy atmosphere between Pamela and Isabella, when they had to do a challenge in pairs.

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Before starting the program, the comedian had entered the kitchen very happy, excited and singing: “I want a captain to cook for me, I want a captain to season me. I want a captain who makes me enjoy myself, I want a captain who can save me”.

Tostao made Pamela Ospina cry

Once the teams were chosen, the presenter Claudia Bahamón he asked Tostao: “Anything to say?” Without thinking much, the artist replied: “We only want to be three… No, lies. Welcome Pamela.” The presenter Claudia Bahamón was surprised and told him that this comment had been heavy. The singer shielded himself by saying that all he wanted was to put a little humor in the kitchen.

However, the comedian could not stand crying because she felt bad about that comment. She before the cameras she said: “It makes me angry. Obviously it’s a joke that hurts, but I don’t want to talk about it because it doesn’t make sense.

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Some of the companions thought about it. For example, Cristina Campuzano said: “It’s no secret to anyone that ‘Tostao’ and Pamela don’t get along. But I find it very ugly when a man is unfriendly to a woman.” The actress Aida Bossa, for her part, blamed the two for that attitude: “sleight of hand, pig games. The two throw themselves outside and in front of the cameras.”

Finally, the Venezuelan Isabella Santiago added: “I feel that there is a part of them that refuses to have a good vibe. I don’t know if they have their antecedents, but there is a rumor that one day they almost caught on”.

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