Why do breasts play such an important role in sexuality?

2024-03-05 11:39:07

Par Dr Catherine Solano

Published 2 hours ago, Updated now

Breast stimulation can trigger or increase sexual arousal. Charlotte Paroielle / Le Figaro

SEXOLOGY – Although far from the reproductive organs, they play an important role in arousal. Their importance and their orgasmic potential, in both men and women, is often underestimated in heterosexual couples, explains Dr Catherine Solano.

Dr Catherine Solano is a sexologist. Trained in health ethics, she consults in urology at the Cochin hospital in Paris. She is co-founder of Doctical, a telehealth platform that supports people affected by cancer with their intimate health. She is the author of numerous works, including The big book of puberty (Robert Laffont editions).

When Louis XV wanted to marry his son to Marie-Antoinette, Bouret, his secretary met her. On his return, reports Dr. Dominique Gros in his work “ The revealed breast » (1987), the king exchanged with him:

“- Does she have a throat? he asked.
– I did not take the liberty of looking that far.
– Bouret, you are a fool, that’s the first thing we look at ladies. »

Since time immemorial, breasts have been considered full-fledged sexual organs and a secondary erogenous zone. However, they are geographically far from sex. How then can we explain such a link…

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