Why Do Rich People Choose Group Tours for Travel Abroad? A Comprehensive Report by Lianhe News Network

2023-09-06 06:49:53
2023-09-06 14:49 Comprehensive report by Lianhe News Network Some netizens were curious, “Why do rich people go abroad with a group?”, which aroused heated discussions among many netizens. Picture/ingimag…

After the epidemic was lifted, many people couldn’t wait to travel abroad. A netizen said that he met a family of 7 in a group when he went to Europe before, but he was so rich but did not travel on his own. He thought it was not free to join a group, so he wanted to ask netizens, “Why do rich people go abroad with a group? “, causing heated discussions among many netizens.

A netizen on PTT“Gossip Edition”In the post, when he traveled to Northern Europe, he met 7 members of his family and joined the group for 12 days. He was curious, “Why don’t such rich people go abroad by themselves?” Scenic spots can be arranged by yourself, but there is no freedom in group tours. Some rich people go abroad even if they have no language problems but still go with tour groups. So I want to ask netizens, “Most of the rich people around me go abroad on their own or with group tours? “.

Netizens have said, “To save trouble with the group, rich people don’t have time to plan the itinerary with you”, “Spending money to be a uncle, why do you need to spend your head thinking about the itinerary”, “If you are rich enough, you can customize the itinerary, What is self-help?”, “Is self-help super tiring? Someone arranges it for self-help? You can only help yourself if you don’t have money.” Sad, unless you are very familiar with the local language, otherwise you will encounter various situations, such as the heating in the hotel is not warm enough, and the inspection can’t find the problem, sometimes it will be difficult to solve”, “You are talking about Nordic… Nordic public transportation is very difficult. Inconvenient”, “Because I went in a luxury group, there is no shopping itinerary, and rich people can still socialize”, “Time is money for a high-level group, and the itinerary has already been arranged.”

Some netizens think that it is very convenient to take the elders abroad with a group. “It is easy for one person, but it is troublesome for a group of people. Too many opinions are not as good as a standardized itinerary, understand?” It’s completely out of control”, “It’s the fault of the travel agency XD that I’m less likely to quarrel with the group when I take my mother out”.

Some netizens said, “In the circle of friends, everyone who earns more than 10 million yuan a year joins the group, but there is nothing to do freely.” “Go to Japan for 40,000-300,000 a week.” Really look at people”, “I used to be a tour guide in a travel agency, and I took some of the owners of the listed cabinets. Most of the bosses acted as tour guides themselves. The process of serving them is the same as being a royal family. The poor help themselves.”

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