Why Europe must seek “pragmatic collaboration” with Russia

While the threat of a Russian-Ukrainian war hovers, the interest of the Old Continent is to seek a pragmatic agreement with Moscow, believes an expert in security policy in the conservative daily Hungarian Nation.

The diplomatic escalation between Russia and the West over the current Ukrainian crisis highlights Moscow’s inescapable importance within the former Soviet space and on the international scene, considers Jozsef Horvath, specialist in security policy , in the Hungarian right-wing daily Hungarian Nation.

In Ukraine, while the European Union, NATO and Washington “actively support” Kiev, the Kremlin “knows” that he has no interest in starting a war, although the troop movements on the border seem to suggest a will from Moscow to do battle, points out Horvath.

Because despite the “Powerful” and the “modernity” of the Russian armed forces, the“efficiency” of its secret services and the “mineral riches” of the country, a conflict “would significantly slow down the national economy. A gas embargo, for example, would be devastating, “since a third of Western Europe’s food comes from Russia”, indicates the item.

“Strategic error”

Nevertheless, according to the expert, Russia “cannot be broken with embargoes and sanctions”, hence the American strategy of “circle” Moscow by installing “new military and political positions” around Russia. A country which, despite “all his problems”, remains a major player in international politics, coupled with a “considerable market”.

For the author, Europe would be committing a “strategic error” even a “crime” not looking for a “pragmatic collaboration” with Moscow. The void left would be according to him “filled in no time by China”.


Iconic daily of the Magyar right founded in August 1938 to fight the German influence, “The Hungarian Nation” fell into the opposition on February 6, 2015 following the explosion of the conflict between its owner of the


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