“Why Mother’s Day is celebrated later in Cúcuta: A historical and cultural perspective”

2023-05-15 02:57:22

As is customary, in Colombia the Mother’s Day the second Sunday of May. However, in cucutacapital of the department North of Santander, this celebration takes place on another date. For many, this may be something unusual, but the truth is that its raison d’être goes beyond the superficial.

Why is Mother’s Day celebrated later in Cúcuta?

About the case, there are different versions that have been shared by oral tradition. A first version told by them nortesantandereans says that in the decade of 1930 a group of boats they came from Europe decides to change the dates of the routes, thus delaying the arrival of the gifts for said celebration. Thus, the merchants decided to change the date to the last Sunday of May.

As is common knowledge, the ships arrived from different ports in the Caribbean, and then the merchandise was transported by rail and road to its final destination.

The religious sphere

About the change in the date of the Mother’s Day, the religious field also plays an important role. For believers, in the Catholic religion, May is the month of the Virgin Mary, therefore, Marian dedications are celebrated. At the time, the diocese, led by the priest Demetrius Mendozadecided to also change it for the last Sunday of May and not to intersect with other liturgical festivities.

Another compelling reason…

For their part, others believe that the date change is also due to the commemoration of the earthquake of cucutawhich took place on May 18, 1875. Thus, due to the closeness of the dates, they considered that it would not be prudent to hold the celebration of Mother’s Day for the second week of mes.

It may interest you

Mother’s Day 2023: when is it?

Now, in the case of the year 2023, Mother’s Day will take place on Sunday may 14, after the commemoration of the Virgin of Fatima. Other countries that also join this tradition are USAChile, Brazil, Cuba, Honduras, Puerto Rico, Peru, Venezuela and Uruguay.

What is the reason why it is celebrated in Colombia?

Taking into account the foregoing, Colombia, hand in hand with the then president Pedro Nel Ospinawho in his presidential term (1922-1926) through decree Law 28 of 1925 officially declared the celebration. For this reason, every year, the celebration of the Mother’s Day extends throughout the national territory.

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