Why opt for a nursing home? |

After a certain age, an elderly person loses their autonomy and requires the support of a professional in their daily life. This is why the nursing homes take charge of the daily support and regular care of its vulnerable dependent persons.

What is a nursing home?

A classic retirement home welcomes the elderly on a permanent or temporary basis. Unlike, a nursing home welcomes the elderly, whose loss of autonomy, or their illnesses require appropriate care.

establishments such as the medical residence orrouy support the daily activities of their residents such as accommodation, catering, entertainment. They also bring the medical or paramedical care necessary for each resident.
The services provided by nursing homes vary from one establishment to another. However, to guarantee the quality and follow-up of care for all the people they
accommodate, they must generally have a catering and laundry service, leisure activities and a team of service agents and a medical team to support residents in their daily lives.

The term “medicalized retirement home” actually includes several types of establishments for the elderly with loss of autonomy.

The EHPAD: Accommodation establishment for dependent elderly people

The accommodation establishments for dependent elderly people fall into the category of nursing home. The EHPAD signs a tripartite agreement with the health insurance and the General Council of the department. This establishment permanently or temporarily accommodates dependent seniors as well as very dependent people from GIR 1 and 2.

It can also accommodate people with certain pathologies as long as they do not represent a danger to others or to themselves.

What types of services are provided by the EHPAD?

Like all medicalized retirement homes, an EHPAD must provide its residents with accommodation, catering, administrative management, entertainment and
laundry. He must have a medical team available composed of coordinating doctors, a referring nurse or a coordinating nurse, nurses, nursing auxiliaries, a psychologist, medico-psychological assistants, and service agents

An EHPAD has a reinforced accommodation unit (UHR) and a medical team trained to treat people with behavioral disorders. He provides them with specific activities adapted to their needs.

How to choose a nursing home?

Choosing a nursing home for your elderly loved one depends on your needs and your budget. Indeed, it is necessary to define well whether you opt for a private or public nursing home. In addition, one must select the establishment that provides
additional benefits that your loved one may need.

Furthermore, before placing your loved one in a residential establishment for dependent elderly people, you should know that several financial aids are available.

Indeed, you can apply for the following financial aid:

– The personalized autonomy allowance (APA),

– Social assistance for accommodation (ASH),

– Housing assistance.

In short, a nursing home is an establishment that provides adequate support for an elderly person who is dependent or has a behavioral disorder.

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