Why TF1 did not recognize Michel Jonasz at “1 p.m.”


Why TF1 did not recognize Michel Jonasz at “1 p.m.”

The singer was interviewed by chance at a gas station, and neither the reporter nor the presenter said his name. Gilles Bouleau explains what could have happened.


Michel Jonasz taken for a quidam at the “13 hours” of TF1.

Capture TF1

Thursday April 7, the “13 hours” of TF1 devoted a subject to the shortage of gasoline and a journalist went to interview customers of a service station. One of the men she interrogates is none other than the singer Michel Jonasz, but neither she nor the newspaper presenter, Marie-Sophie Lacarrau, seem to realize this. A blunder that made people laugh social networks and the media.

Invited this Friday on RTL in the radio program “We redo the TV”, Gilles Bouleau, the presenter of the “20 hours” of TF1 explains how this could have happened. For the journalist, he excuses her with her stress and perhaps, due to her age, 23, she simply does not know the singer.

For Marie-Sophie Lacarrau, her explanation is simple but surprising. Gilles Bouleau said that the editor of the newspaper had recognized the singer and announced it in the earpiece of the presenter who had not had time to see the subject which had just arrived. Except… the man is known for cracking jokes all the time and she thought that was one. When she realized that wasn’t the case, it was too late and didn’t know how to react other than not mentioning the singer.

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