why we need to invest in prevention

2023-04-21 15:32:00

This is the great lesson of the Health Dialogues, which were organized in partnership with “Le Point” on April 13 and 14. Balance sheet.

By Clemence de Ligny

Exchange.  Guillaume Pourcher (at the microphone), Mathilde Touvier, Michel Portos and journalist Helene Delmotte.

Exchange. Guillaume Pourcher (at the microphone), Mathilde Touvier, Michel Portos and journalist Hélène Delmotte.

Eenvironment, physical inactivity, junk food… What if the key was in prevention? Provided we know how to define it, what is its field of action, its economic impact, but also what funding to grant it and who is really concerned… All these questions were at the heart of the debates that took place during the first edition. Health Dialogues, an event organized in partnership with Point by and at Villa M, in Paris, on April 13 and 14. Health professionals, political decision-makers, mutualists… all met in this symbolic hotel, designed around the health and well-being of caregivers, to provide their expertise on this vital subject for the human and economic future of our society. In Pasteur’s country, as summarized by Bertrand Mas-Fraissinet, president of the Pasteur Mutualité group and anesthesiologist-resuscitator at the Edmond-Garcin hospital center in Aubagne, “bringing help also means bringing the values ​​of prevention to life. Today, after words, let’s give way to actions. »

Find all the conferences in replay: https://villa-m.fr/replay-dialogues-sante-2023/

Prevention, everyone’s business

“Complementary and mutualist players have a part to play in matters of prevention.

Bertrand Mas-Fraissinet, Chairman of the Pasteur Mutualité group

Starting with the public sphere. For Séverine Salgado, Director General of the National Federation of French Mutual Insurance, “Prevention is in the general interest and in the inter-ministerial field. It must be considered as a service in its own right. On the private side, Cyrille Isaac-Sibille, ENT doctor, deputy for Rhône, secretary of the National Assembly’s Social Affairs Committee, believes that complementary health insurance has a role to play: “They know their members and can develop prevention policies, especially in companies. » For that, “a national framework and coordination of health actors are essential”.

Prevention consultations at all ages

“Taken upstream, 60 to 70% of diseases would be preventable”according to Sarah Longé (photo), general practitioner and geriatrician. Thus, it offers its patients preventive consultations at different ages of life in order to address specific subjects, such as addictions around 30 years old or loss of autonomy around 65 years old. These appointments are the key to “involve patients and make them actors of their health”.“Early action saves lives and the economyconfirms Dr. Arnaud Fontanet, director of the epidemiology of emerging diseases unit at the Institut Pasteur in Paris.

Marketing at the service of prevention

“Health education must be the major preventive measure in France.

Jean de Kervasdoué, professor emeritus at the National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts, former director of hospitals at the Ministry of Health.

Ensuring that a prevention message is understood by everyone is a major challenge. To achieve this, Public Health France pre-tests and evaluates each of its campaigns. Adaptation work is also essential depending on the type of population, such as going through influencers to reach young people. This is called segmentation. However, some populations are harder to reach, especially the most vulnerable. Creating partnerships with actors in the field who are in direct and daily contact with these audiences is essential. “We must subscribe to what is called proportionate universalism, this desire to focus on those who need it most”, explains François Beck, director of prevention and health promotion at Public Health France. A crucial concept in the fight against the major social inequalities in health in our country.

Sport-health, for patients and their loved ones

A sedentary lifestyle increases the risk of developing a chronic disease by 30%. For those already affected, it “aggravates the side effects of treatments and the progression of the disease”, alert François Carré, cardiologist and sports doctor at the University Hospital of Rennes, professor emeritus at the University of Rennes and member of the collective Pour une France en forme. More and more hospitals are making gyms available to their patients. The Léon-Bérard center in Lyon wanted to go further by opening these spaces to relatives and offering them prevention consultations. “Take an interest in the entourage of our patients is essential, because they often share the same lifestyle and may have the same risk factors”, explains Béatrice Fervers, oncologist and head of the Cancer Prevention and Environment Department at this centre.

“We must co-construct personalized solutions with the patient so that everyone has the chance to be trained in the prevention of their own health.

Marie-Christine Jaulent, director of the Laboratory of medical informatics and knowledge engineering in e-health.

Obesity, a complex and multifactorial disease

Nearly one in two French people is affected by overweight and obesity. For Guillaume Pourcher, member of the National Academy of Surgery, head of the obesity center at the Institut mutualiste Montsouris and administrator in charge of prevention at Groupe Pasteur Mutualité, it is imperative to “change your perspective on this disease” the causes of which are multiple and which are too often reduced to diet and a sedentary lifestyle. First thing to do: calculate your BMI. “If it exceeds 35, it is necessary to consult. » For Mathilde Touvier (photo)research director at Inserm, director of the Nutritional Epidemiology Research Team and principal investigator of the NutriNet-Santé cohort, “political choices must be made”. Nutrition and cooking classes at school, defined budget in canteens, European Nutri-score… “You can’t ask people to make the right decisions if the environment isn’t right,” she says.

The number


This is the increase in the number of bariatric surgery operations since 1997. Currently, more than 50,000 obese people are operated on each year in France.


#invest #prevention

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