Why You Have Panic Attacks: Causes, Symptoms and Prevention Tips

2023-06-09 04:34:23

Panic attacks can appear at the most unexpected moments: while you work or when you are at home sitting on the sofa. What are these unpleasant experiences due to? We detail it in the following article.

Unexpected, overwhelming and even terrifying. Perhaps at some point you have wondered why you have panic attacks. That sudden feeling that you are short of breath, that your heart is racing and fear grips every fiber of your mind and body, is something very unpleasant. Everything is out of your control. And if there is one aspect that generates even more fear, it is the repetition of these sensations.

The bottom line to know is that these experiences are more common than you think. For example, the Journal of Affective Disorders points out that in Spain 9.5 percent of the population suffers from them, especially those between 30 and 49 years of age. It is not, therefore, something unusual; therefore, knowing the causes is helpful. Let’s find out more.

The symptoms of a panic attack can often be confused with the signs leading up to a heart attack. Also with a respiratory problem.

What is a panic attack and how does it manifest itself?

A panic attack is like a tsunami: an experience of raging, deep, and desperate fear, with no real trigger. They are also experiences that are accompanied by intense physiological symptoms. So much so that many people go to the emergency room thinking that they are about to suffer a heart attack. Physical pain is real; as well as the emotional turmoil itself.

On the other hand, when diagnosing these conditions, we usually resort to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). The first thing we are told is that they are waves of fear and intense discomfort that last only a few minutes. Never more than 10. Therefore, they are brief episodes, but no less disconcerting for that. How do they manifest? Let’s see, next.

Symptoms of a panic attack

The first panic attack is never forgotten. We could say that, within the experiences in the field of psychiatry, it is one of the most distressing that someone can suffer. The perception that one is about to die is very frequent. Let us highlight, however, what the symptomatology consists of.

physical symptoms
· Dizziness.
· Tremors.
· Tachycardia.
· Chest pain.
· Sensation of suffocation.
· Nausea, upset stomach.
Paresthesias (body tingling).
· Chills and sweating at the same time.
Emotional and cognitive symptoms
· Excessive and irrational fear.
· Sensation that one is about to die.
· Depersonalization (detachment from oneself).
· Perception that one is “going crazy.”
· Derealization (feeling that everything that surrounds us is not real).

It should be noted that, at the moment, there is no direct link between panic attacks and heart disease. Meta-analyses such as those published in Systematic Reviews report that this link is very tenuous. Believe it or not, this rarely happens.

However, whoever has suffered a first panic attack feeds back their fear even more at the possibility of that experience repeating itself. This is how the cycle of these experiences begins and reinforces.

Behind the attacks of excessive fear there may be a certain biological and genetic predisposition; What’s more, we know that women tend to experience them more frequently.

Reasons why you have panic attacks

If you have ever wondered why you have a panic attack, you must understand that the reason is not in factors such as weakness or emotional incompetence. Do not punish yourself or punish yourself for it: we can all experience them. There are variables that increase the risk of suffering from them and, knowing it, is convenient. Let’s dig into the reasons, right away.

1. Biological and genetic causes

While it is possible for each of us to experience a panic attack at some point, some people deal with them on a regular basis. The cause of this limiting clinical reality would be genetic factors. Works such as those shared by Human Molecular Genetics highlight that an excess of alleles is visible in the monoamine oxidase gene in women.

Panic attacks are, on average, more frequent in the female gender, and this genetic peculiarity increases the risk of their appearance.

2. Functional alterations in the cerebral amygdala

If you wonder why you have these attacks, the reason would be in your cerebral amygdala. This nerve center for emotional processing could present certain peculiarities that increase the risk that you will suffer, to a greater degree, these experiences.

Analyzes such as those developed at Ewha Womans University in South Korea highlight that the amygdala, the center of fear processing networks, would be linked to both panic attacks and its chronic version: panic disorder.

What this brain region causes is to always place ourselves in a constant state of “alarm”. That hyperarousal encapsulates us in a perception of persistent fear and that something very bad will happen.

During panic episodes, the prefrontal cortex, associated with logic and reasoning, disconnects and offers greater power to the amygdala body, linked to emotional processing such as fear.

3. Chronic stress or continued pressure

Although stress is a natural mechanism that allows us to face specific challenges and threats, sometimes it is beyond our control. When stressful situations and pressure drag on and the demands exceed our psychological resources, attacks appear.

The organism and the brain show in these situations a very high level of cortisol, norepinephrine and adrenaline. All that accumulated tension “explodes” at any moment. Likewise, we know that there are people with a lower resistance to stress; either due to neurobiological factors or inadequate coping strategies. This enhances the appearance of attacks.

4. When fear overwhelms: the challenges of life

The attacks in question arise alone or are comorbid with other disorders such as anxiety or trauma. Life places us in difficult circumstances that we don’t always know how to handle and that are accompanied by a persistent feeling of fear. Let’s see some examples:

· Facing a loss.
· Having a loved one sick.
· Dealing with psychological trauma.
Losing your job and facing economic problems.
· Suffering from phobias, such as public speaking.
· Confront very intense life changes, such as a breakup.

5. Other reasons why you have panic attacks

This fact may call our attention, however, science has been warning about such a factor for decades: tobacco increases the risk of suffering from panic attacks.

A study published in the Archives of General Psychiatry emphasizes this point. Somehow, once again it becomes relevant how smoking affects the appearance of certain psychological disorders, as is also the case with anxiety. On the other hand, it cannot be ignored that the consumption of certain psychoactive drugs frequently leads to these experiences.

We can all have these attacks. Suffering one is just a wake-up call before a fact that we must attend to. In case of experiencing these events more times and seeing how our quality of life is altered, it is necessary to request specialized help.

What to do when I have panic attacks?

A panic attack is an underlying symptom of an emotional reality that we must attend to; it’s a wake up call. If we experience it once and we are clear about the cause, it is necessary to address it.

However, if you do not understand what is happening to us and experience more than one panic attack in a month, it is necessary to seek specialized help. The following are some contributing guidelines.

Tips for handling a panic attack

When the panic attack is triggered in your body and mind, do not fight and know that nothing bad will happen. You will not die; your heart is fine. Understand that it is a psychophysiological reaction to an experience of stress or anguish maintained over time. It’s like an explosion of symptoms in the face of unregulated fear. To do? Take note:

· Repeat to yourself that you are safe.
· View relaxing and positive images.
· Stay where you are and take slow, deep breaths.
· You must tell yourself that this experience will end soon.

Tips to prevent panic attacks

To prevent panic attacks you must know the root of their appearance. If you are dealing with a complex moment, ask for support or support yourself in your close circle. Likewise, strategies such as the ones we are now listing will help you:

· Exercise, walk every day.
· Practice yoga or mindfulness.
· Lean on the people who love you.
· Learn resources to solve problems.
· Get ​​started in progressive muscle relaxation.
· Learn relaxation techniques and deep breathing.
· Introduces techniques to regulate stress and emotions.
· Improve your life habits: avoid alcohol, exercise, sleep well.

Finally, keep in mind that approaches such as strategic brief therapy are effective in addressing panic attacks or panic disorders. Do not hesitate to take the step to regain control of your life and achieve the well-being you deserve.

The Mind is Wonderful.-

#Reasons #panic #attacks #Health #Wellbeing

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