“Will LASK break more promises?”: Fan criticism of sponsor “Nerobet”

Betting provider “nerobet” has been adorning the pants of Bundesliga soccer team LASK since this spring. A circumstance that particularly heats up the tempers of the black and white fan scene. “Will LASK break any more promises? Yes=1.01, no=8.50. At Nerobet they get the best odds,” protested the hard core of LASK fans at the Bundesliga spring opener against Austria Klagenfurt with banners against the neo-sponsor .

The background: When the stadium was presented in July 2020, the then president and current CEO Siegmund Gruber announced that no betting providers would be allowed to appear there. The Linz ultras don’t like the fact that this promise has now been broken.

You will have to get used to it: a partnership with the betting provider has been agreed until 2026, as the club recently announced on “Linkedin”.


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