Willis’ daughter got rid of her complexes

On February 3, the youngest daughter of Bruce Willis and Demi Moore, Tallulah, turned 28 years old.

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After leaving the Komsomol age, the girl finally ceased to be shy and began to post more and more candid photos on social networks. The last of them are made in the bathroom.

“Experience positive emotions when you pose against the backdrop of retro blue tiles,” Tallulah advised, basking in the water.

Not so long ago, a “naked” shoot, and even without makeup, was out of the question.

– They told me, they say, I’m Bruce’s twin – I did not like this similarity. I thought my “male” face was the only reason I felt like I didn’t deserve love,” Tallulah explained.

Tallulah Willis stopped worrying about her “male” face

Worries about appearance led the poor thing to nervous breakdowns and attempts to find an outlet in drugs and medicines. At the age of 18, after mixing painkillers with cocaine, she was on the verge of death. Fortunately, Tallulah managed to overcome the bad inclinations over the years.

“You must ease the wound in your soul before you try to fix your appearance,” the girl believes. – I came to the conclusion that by nature I am valuable and worthy. At every stage of life, at any weight, with any hair!

Photo source: Social networks, Legion-Media

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